Absolutely adore this quote from The Princess Bride: As you wish. True love goals right there. #MovieQuotes #TrueLove #AsYouWish #BitBook
#moviequotes #truelove #asyouwish #bitbook
Peter Falk getting up from a chair is my favorite part of the Princess Bride. #MoviesBasedOnBooks #peterfalk #movieclips #princessbride #asyouwish https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxS654zjqlZf38_oLuNRfa6MdIZWStk-cg
#asyouwish #princessbride #movieclips #peterfalk #moviesbasedonbooks
Nothing gave Selina as much pleasure as teasing Bruce.
"I'm Batman" was all he ever said to her.
One night, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "I'm Batman", what he meant was, "I love you." And even more amazing, she realized she truly loved him back.
#batman #catwoman #theprincessbride #princessbride #asyouwish
#batman #catwoman #theprincessbride #princessbride #asyouwish
@matthew Weird. I think I had that very same concern. Although, lightning sand - along with the two other known dangers of the Fire Swamp - seems to be much more of a concern for me. #AsYouWish
Finally got a #tattoo in the style that my artist is known for. Pop art collage. Normally he goes color but I tend to stick with black and gray and #DreadPirateRoberts fits well in that color scheme. It’ll be neat to see how the gray wash softens up as it heals.
#tattoo #dreadpirateroberts #princessbride #asyouwish #inigomontoya
My wife just gave me a whole bunch of Komplements. I like the kind that starts with "C" better.
I guess I am building some shelves now.
Uusi vuosi käyntiin perinteisin korealaisin menoin eli kuuntelemalla #kpop idoliryhmä #WJSN’n kappaletta #AsYouWish. Vuonna 2019 julkaistu kappale on ampaissut aina 1. tammikuuta kaikkien paikallisten soittolistojen kärkeen. Niin kävi tänäkin vuonna. 🇰🇷🎶
"Hope all your wishes come true”
#musiikki #musadontti #music #HappyNewYear #Ujung #CosmicGirls #우주소녀 #이루리
#이루리 #우주소녀 #cosmicgirls #ujung #happynewyear #music #musadontti #musiikki #asyouwish #wjsn #kpop
I really don’t feel the need to prove the value of Mastodon by stroking the egos of arriving celebrities by blindly following them. Make yourself useful. Do something worth following. No resting on your laurels. Engage or fuck off.
That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate Meathead. He’s a fine film director.
es posible que hayan pasado más de 25 años desde que vi por ultima vez #laprincesaprometida. es tan mala que da la vuelta y la amas. #asyouwish
pd. de txiki me flipaba, seguramente porque estaba inlof de westley.
#laprincesaprometida #asyouwish
Some of you haven’t seen this T-shirt and you need to.
#tshirt #tshirts #cinema #movies #film #thePrincessBride #asYouWish
#asyouwish #theprincessbride #film #movies #cinema #tshirts #tshirt
I've watched princess bride probably more than 10 times but I am happily watching again tonight. A good end to a work week.
#Inconceivable #asyouwish #mostquotablemovie
Covering all my (fan)bases via # bc I can't upload photos.
#caryelwes #princessbride #asyouwish
#aclockworkorange #malcolmmcdowell
#evanpeters #americanhorrorstory
#actuallyautistic :autism:
#megadeth #davemustaine #caryelwes #princessbride #asyouwish #aclockworkorange #malcolmmcdowell #evanpeters #americanhorrorstory #weirdal #weirdalyankovic #actuallyautistic
RT @Cary_Elwes
35 years ago, a little film I made called The Princess Bride was released in theaters. #asyouwish #princessbride ⚔️❤️
35 years ago? Inconceivable!
RT @Cary_Elwes@twitter.com
35 years ago, a little film I made called The Princess Bride was released in theaters. #asyouwish #princessbride ⚔️❤️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Cary_Elwes/status/1574067353939505152
RT @Cary_Elwes
35 years ago, a little film I made called The Princess Bride was released in theaters. #asyouwish #princessbride ⚔️❤️
Princess Bride premiered 35 years ago on this date: 19 September 1987, at the Toronto International Film Festival.
#PrincessBride #YouKeepUsingThatWord #ROUS #inconceivable #DreadPirateRoberts #HaveFunStormingTheCastle #MyNameIsInigoMontoya #AsYouWish
#princessbride #YouKeepUsingThatWord #ROUS #Inconceivable #DreadPirateRoberts #HaveFunStormingTheCastle #MyNameIsInigoMontoya #asyouwish
This one is off the needles and to be honest
I hate it
I hate it a lot
There's a lot of interesting things in it, but to me it doesn't turn in to anything. I really like some of them - I am looking at stockinette sweaters that I can maybe convert to put the honeycomb pattern onto.
But it's very soft and two people have said that they will happily take it off my hands, so at some point this week I'll block it and ship it off into the wild blue yonder.
There has been some conversation around whether the reports that vaccinated folks are still transmitting the virus means that we'll be wearing masks forever. I couldn't stop myself from throwing this picture together... #maskup #futurefashion #asyouwish #idontthinkthatmeanswhatyouthinkthatmeans #vaxxup #covid19
#MaskUp #futurefashion #asyouwish #idontthinkthatmeanswhatyouthinkthatmeans #vaxxup #covid19