#Schmutziges #Kupfer : #Kupfer ist das Metall der Zukunft In #Chile wird das Kupfer in der #Atacama-Wüste abgebaut, mit kaum vorstellbaren Auswirkungen auf Mensch und #Natur. Die hohen Preise für das Kupfer machen einen Abbau #deutscher Vorkommnisse wahrscheinlicher. #Kanada hat uns vorgemacht, wie man das umweltfreundlich machen kann, nachdem sie selbst die Natur über Jahrzehnte systematisch zerstört hatten.
TV-Programm: Schmutziges Kupfer - tagesschau24 https://programm.ard.de/TV/tagesschau24/Programmkalender/?sendung=287214892655
#schmutziges #Kupfer #Chile #atacama #natur #deutscher #Kanada
Contemplando la inmensidad de nuestra pequeñez. ❤️
#drawing #dibujo #chile #digitalart #atacama #fantasy #sketch #Space #filosofia #psicologia
#drawing #dibujo #Chile #DigitalArt #atacama #fantasy #sketch #Space #filosofia #psicologia
if you wonder about the data structures that get passed around on #atacama, google up tangle replication or stuff fission.codes is doing with rhizomatic databases. this is like the 16bit version of some of those ideas.
with a ledger there is a beginning and the end. rhizomatic data structures have no beginnings or ends, they tangle together like mycelia. and that is darn interesting to me at least.
so, dare to try out on old droid, shitpost mycelially. 🙂
not yet in veilid land but here's.a bugfix release of #atacama that's the weirdest little anon distributed instagramlike. 32/64 bit android .apk go grabbo
In a Fierce Desert, Microbe ‘Crusts’ Show How Life Tamed the Land
Extreme microorganisms carpeting the #Atacama Desert in #Chile illuminate how life might have first taken hold on Earth’s surface
#microbiology https://www.wired.com/story/in-a-fierce-desert-microbe-crusts-show-how-life-tamed-the-land/
@isaaclyman looks like there are a few things to sort out plus a few bits and pieces for easier flutter dev. I think in a week or two you'll get to try veilid chat and my own take on anon distributed instagram called #atacama over veilid
less brainfoggy today so getting some hacking done. here's a sneak preview of stuff posted from osx version of #atacama via #veilid
android stuff will happen a bit later for you to try out. doesn't look much on the browser but its basically serverless peer for peer distributed social media over veilid.
32/64 bit android build of #atacama. this uses local UDP broadcast to replicate data, also a link to my bridge service via http to sync non local peers. veilid sync to happen soon also on android, still some rust-droid fuckery to figure out.
surveillance capitalism starts from the appstore so there will never be a non .apk version of this
so it's a take it or leave it kind of dealio.
it works if you work it!
to see latest #atacama in action on 32/64 bit android, here's the link to .apk (you might have to rename the downloaded file into atacama.apk to install because IPFS is crippleware when it comes to standard mimetypes)
run OrBot on your droid for sweet extra privacy+sanity.
someone elsewhere asked about #atacama protocol, how does it do what it does.
I made two layers, bottom one is called #thicket that's 28 bytes+your payload and handles set proofs, obfuscated links and few other bits and bobs. top layer that handles the replication between peers is called #moderator
thicket is influenced by aljoscha meyers bamboo protocol which I think is a very nice starting point when building your very own distributed protocol
I think that whatever people are doing with social media etc these days are bound to industrial revolution age ideas of ledgers, names, safes and keys. This all is artificial and has nothing to do with how people interact and find meaning together. That's why a new paradigm needs to be explored. #atacama is my take on that.
ipfs download link for #atacama 2.38 that is a peer-for-peer gossip protocol nstagramlike that is ultra fast and lightweight and free for gentle people. 32/64 bit android build. you might have to rename the file to .apk to install.
run OrBot on your droid for that sweet extra privacy.
let the weirdness ensue with this no-identities take on antisocial networking.
I think I'll disable the video audio share (local sync perf not being satisfactory for now) and wrap up the 2.3 branch of #atacama with a release. you do get anon identityless p2p instagramlike with pics text and comments tho.
2.4 is for ditching .onion for veilid
64 bit android build of #atacama as .apk.
many improvements with data sync, smaller stuff gets pulled first, sound and video later. Try this out with a few friend on the same wlan, everyone's uplink is used sparingly and local fast wlan to maximum effect when replicating data. Wormhole implodes 12.8.23 be quick&enjoy
#atacama 2.34 ready for the wicked day when your net is killed. p2p local wlan/ap sync keeps you a communicating. 64bit android .apk no google no accounts no tracking no bullshit.
DL expires 10.8.23
fun feature im working on for #atacama the anon indentityless instagramlike: post something with audio/video, set a fee in XRM. someone else can pay that using their cake wallet and see the stuff. essentially it's a distributed anon onlyfans then. have to say cakewallet devs i'm talking with are nice. Lot of bad things in the krypto world but I like the thinking behind monero and feel it is a good way forward for anon micropayments.
got a bit of downtime so I'll be online for a bit at jitsi for a text chat. I'll ask questions about #atacama, distributed anon p2p instagramlike thing, help with onboarding etc. general questions about serverless/distributed also welcome.
jitsi is anon so no logins necessary. come and say hello.
aww goody people posting with #atacama. little .onionsite to take a peek. contains Daily Panda Appreciation. enjoy.
bleeding edge 64bit droid build of #atacama with VIDEO support. remember how video killed the radio star? me neither. DL expires 8.8.23 be quick, remember atacama is safe and fast to use.