I'm listening to old AXP shows while I work. This call at the end of a 2014 show is excellent!
#AtheistExperience #AXP #MattDillahunty #JenPeeples
#jenpeeples #mattdillahunty #axp #atheistexperience
#Christian Caller Asks #MattDillahunty About His #Atheist #God - Funny Classic #AtheistExperience Call
#christian #mattdillahunty #atheist #god #atheistexperience
Game theory, tragedy of the commons, and how humans attempt to get along on this planet is enforced by temporal consequences. My short essay uses an #AtheistExperience episode as a writing prompt—there is no need to appeal to a deity for some divine punishment. People are hardwired to be as cooperative as they can be.