Ather has been working on a low-cost electric scooter based on its 450 platform. And with the FAME-II subsidy having been cut, its 450X electric scooter now costs ₹20,000 more. #Ather has also announced a new low-cost variant called the 450S.
#THMetroPlus #press
#Yulu ebikes are now available at 55k. Apparently the batteries are not included and instead offered as a separate subscription. I think this is a very differentiated offering and will intensify competition in the already contested space.
My bet is still on the #Ola because they have unified the backend and will bring economies of scale. Average user only needs overnight charging at home. Business users (read delivery personnel) should go with #Yulu as the recharging infrastructure makes sense. But then why wouldnt they just rent it on-demand as they have been doing all this while.
In all this competition, I think everyone is forgetting #Ather. Ather are the one who bet big on eBikes first, but their offering is very expensive and they have already lost the crown to #Ola. Now they will have to fight for second place with #yulu.
#Ather did the classic mistake. First to market doesnt mean that they will win the market. And now it might be too late.
#yulu #ola #ather #ebikes #mastindia #mastodonindians #india
Coming soon...
#werketimosnow #timosnow #stencilart #spraypaint #mitliebegesprüht #neon #Kunst #fearantloathing #Äther #besterfilm
#besterfilm #ather #fearantloathing #kunst #neon #mitliebegespruht #spraypaint #stencilart #timosnow #werketimosnow
Irgendwie habe ich gerade #Lust #splitterfaser #nackt aller #helicockter durch den #Äther zu hüpfen 😏🤭🤣
#ather #helicockter #nackt #splitterfaser #lust