Have I ever told you one of my favourite political-actions is to file Freedom of Information/Access To Information requests and then riff on the results? It's good times.
I just got notification that my most recent FOI will be proceeding. It was hung up as the Office determined whether I was worthy of having the fees (~$100) waved. It looks like they might wave them. I'll know shortly and should have a response to my request, or more likely, a request to extend their search time, in the next 30 days.
#bcPoli #Rail #VancouverIsland #Transportation #IslandRail #FOI #ATI #CanPoli
#bcpoli #rail #vancouverisland #transportation #islandrail #foi #ati #canpoli
@beebles Actually, #AMD @gpuopen needs to get their shit together and actually care aboit #Drivers and #Firmware working well at launch.
Nobody is gonna dish out 4 digits for their unstable af shit at launch as people like @fuchsiii basically have no week gone by when this stuff doesn't have issues!
There's a reason #AMD once has a 6% market share in dedicaded #GPU's on #Linux to the point that there were more #Intel #HD4000 #iGPUs in the #SteamSurvey for #Linux than all AMD + #ATi cards!
#ati #steamsurvey #igpus #hd4000 #Intel #Linux #gpu #firmware #drivers #AMD
The humble ATI RAGE XL. Bought it for $13 with free shipping, and the thing looks brand new! Is someone actually manufacturing new ones? or is there just a TON of new old stock?
#ATI #PC #PCgaming #computer #Graphics #retrogaming #retrocomputing
#ati #pc #pcgaming #computer #graphics #retrogaming #retrocomputing
One of the coolest things I remember in the mid 2000's was the X1950 Pro, the first Value oriented chip from ATI that wasn't just all the specs of the high end cut in half, it was about 75% R580 based X1950 XTX specs wise, and used half the power, on top of this it was the first GPU to support Crossfire using an internal bridge, and not some terrible contraption connecting to DVI, not a fan of SLI or Crossfire, but it had it's place back then.
@Joseph @fuchsiii Yeah, it has a feckton of #bloat and #legacy code in it...
Just look at all the #EXT_ 's cuz there are companies that don't exist anymore like #SGI & #ATi inside it...
Also those "Extensions" very much fractured and complicated Support unnecessarily...
#ati #sgi #ext_ #legacy #bloat
Heads up if you are watching the new Duggar Family/IBLP Amazon documentary “Shiny Happy People”:
In episode 4 at the 4 minute mark, they discuss what was in the CSA files on Josh Duggar’s computer. Skip to 4:20 to avoid.
Thanks to @moe.makes.magick on TikTok for the content warning
#ShinyHappyPeople #Duggars #DuggarFamily #JoshDuggar #IBLP #ATI #Fundie #FundieSnark #BillGothard #19KidsAndCounting
#shinyhappypeople #duggars #duggarfamily #joshduggar #iblp #ati #fundie #fundiesnark #billgothard #19kidsandcounting
xf86-video-ati 22.0 Released For Older #ATI / #AMD GPUs
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/phoronix/status/1651167815003406337
Just gotta show off, because I think I'm done with this collection for now, until I get a bigger place at least :D
The collection is mainly centered around #ATI graphics cards, if you don't know who ATI are, they are the reason #AMD even makes graphics cards, AMD bought them in 2006, they became notable in 2002 by making R300 series GPU's that seemingly came out of nowhere and just dominated, changed a lot of conventional thinking regarding GPU designs
#ati #amd #retrogaming #retrocomputing #GPU #nvidia
#ATI Rage Fury MAXX
這邊說的是 PC 端的鼻祖
雖然早在 1998 年 #3dfx 就推出了 3D 加速卡 #Voodoo 2
並推出了 #SLI 技術使其可在兩張卡串聯的方式下運作
則是1999年的 ATI Rage Fury MAXX
串聯了兩顆 ATI Rage Pro 128 晶片
稱為 #MAXX
這個 MAXX 也被部分人認為是 ATi 以及後續 #AMD #CrossFire 技術的前身
而 3dfx 則是到了 2000 年才推出Voodoo5 5500
3dfx 後續被 #nvidia 收購
不過兩者的 SLI 技術
#ati #3dfx #voodoo #sli #maxx #amd #crossfire #nvidia #Allen講看看 #retro #台灣Vtuber #vtubers #vtuber #taiwan
@josephholsten @fuchsiii @bastetfurry @gpuopen I'd accept that if it was some old.abandonware by a defunct company (i.e. #Linux drivers for #3dfx cards) but not for a product that is beibg advertised to support #Linux and even if it wasn't costs 4 digits MSRP.
We ain't in 2007 anymore where everything but #Intel didn't work and #nvidia was like "here, take this binaryblob!" and #ATi was like "go fuck yourself!" when it comes to #GPU drivers.
#gpu #ati #Nvidia #Intel #3dfx #Linux
Glad to see many familiar faces at an #ATI workshop in #Newcastle. Loved the first keynote by @CaitHRobin 👏
Athlon update: I found my Radeon 9200 SE and swapped it for the e-"""GeForce FX 5200.""" The """5200""" will be put in my Pentium II 350 desktop as originally planned. I also do have a CPU bracket now, but it's broken, so I need some superglue.
The 9200 didn't arrive in great shape so I'm not expecting it to work, it was packaged in bubble wrap and no antistatic bag, but might as well give it a shot. If not, maybe someone can use it to see what chips they can harves.
#AMD #Athlon #ATI #PCBuild
[23/03/03 17:43] - taiwantodayjp:twitter:
米国の対台湾窓口機関である #米国在台協会(#ATI)は2日、ローラ・ローゼンバーガー(Laura Rosenberger)氏を新たな #理事長 に迎えました。
☟TAIWAN TODAY日本語版公式サイトで全文を読む
https://jp.taiwantoday.tw/news.php?unit=149&post=233559&unitname=%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9-%E6%94%BF%E6%B2%BB&postname=%E7%B1%B3%E5%9B%BD%E5%9C%A8%E5%8F%B0%E5%8D%94%E4%BC%9A%EF%BC%88ATI%EF%BC%89%E7%90%86%E4%BA%8B%E9%95%B7%E3%81%AB%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BC%E6%B0%8F #pom
Here are some photos of BGA chips and a PGA chip from a laptop motherboard. The GPU is a ATI Radeon Mobility X700. One of the first PCI-Express chips from ATI. They were so proud of it that it was even written on the chips. :)
I used a hot air station to get it off the motherboard.
First i used 400°, but that didn't work. Then is used 500°, and that worked🔥
#PCBuilding #PCBuilds #PCBuild
(I wonder which of these is the dominant tag, if any?)
It's tax refund season, and it's high time I built myself a new PC (or, since I'm increasingly lazy, have one built. Yes yes, I know). It's been literal decades since I've went with an #ATI/#AMD #GPU, because after getting screwed by the software suite, I once vowed that I'd never get one of their GPUs again until the Radeon software team is lined up against a wall and shot. I love AMD CPUs though and with one exception have been using them exclusively since the first Athlon, back when you could overclock them with a pencil.
While Nvidia has served me well over the years, I'm not a fan of their self-immolating power connectors, and the dire state of Linux driver support.
So if you're still with me after this much text, some questions:
#pcbuilding #pcbuilds #pcbuild #ati #gpu #origin #NZXT
I've also had exceptionally bad times with #ATI. Current disaster is the abandoned Vega M chipset that will likely never work with # DirectX >= 12.
#Linux #LinuxGame
Jeg hintede at jeg hadde gang i flere retro prosjekter, normalt liker jeg å pushe ydelsen så høj at du ikke skal tænke på noget.
Min main DOS/Windows 9X gaming PC:
#AMD Athlon64 3200+
2x512MB DDR@400MHz CL2
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum
#ATI Radeon X800 Pro 256MB
Kabinettet er et CoolerMaster Wavemaster(glemte å ta et bilde av fronten) Et av de peneste kabinetter fra det tidlige 2000. Kan skje kompatibilitet ikke er 100% skal teste med spesielt 16bit programvare.
#retrogaming #retrocomputing
#amd #ati #retrogaming #retrocomputing
Jeg var heldig å få tak i en gammel desktop som ble kastet.
#AMD Duron 700MHz
512MB@133MHz SD-RAM
Asus A7V hovedkort
#ATI Rage 128(oppgradert til et #3DFX Voodoo 3 3500 i bildet)
Kjøleren er ikke standard, det var en TT Volcano 12 jeg kjøpte(hadde planer om en annen retro PC før denne)
Fungere helt perfekt, har testet noen spil og Office97 på den. Har altid likt Duron, de føltes ikke ligeså ubrugelige som Celeron dengang gjorde 😩
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #ewaste
#amd #ati #3dfx #retrogaming #retrocomputing #ewaste