Fed-prov Nat Res ministers met May 27,2020. On Jun 1, 2020, I filed a #FOIP to #ableg govt asking for MInister Savage's notes for that meeting. Just got them today, FEB 6 2023. Under AB law, service standard for FOIP is 30 days. I got mine in 980 days. #FOIPFail #ATIPFail
#foip #ableg #foipfail #atipfail
#ATIPFail : Asked Global Affairs Canada in 2020 for a briefing memo to Minister assessing a China-US trade deal. Got the 13-page memo today with almost no redacations - 948 days after filing the request. (Legal requirement is to provide records within 30 days)
Pot survey.
Putin's War.
Friday's 🇨🇦 Roundup https://www.getrevue.co/profile/davidakin/archive/1509999