Watch | माफिया अतीक अहमद की ब्लैक मनी का हुआ खुलासा
मास्टरस्ट्रोक @RubikaLiyaquat के साथ |
#UttarPradesh #AtiqueAhmed #Prayagraj #UPPolice #AtiqueAhmedMurder #MasterStrokeOnABP
#uttarpradesh #atiqueahmed #prayagraj #uppolice #atiqueahmedmurder #masterstrokeonabp
আততায়ীর ধর্মীয় পরিচয় এবং খুনের উদ্দেশ্যে ধর্ম, রাজনীতি ও সামাজিক সংস্কৃতি ওতপ্রোতভাবে জড়িয়ে যাচ্ছে। লিখছেন প্রবুদ্ধ ঘোষ #atiqueahmad #atiqueahmed
"Atique Ahmed" was the most viewed wikipedia page on 16 April 2023, just about 547,574 times!
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. Atique Ahmed #AtiqueAhmed
2. 2010 Northumbria Police manhunt #2010NorthumbriaPoliceManhunt
3. Boston Marathon bombing #BostonMarathonBombing
#atiqueahmed #2010northumbriapolicemanhunt #bostonmarathonbombing
#AtiqueAhmed murder: "We wanted to kill #Atiq Ahmed and his brother #Ashraf with the aim of completely wiping off the Atiq-Ashraf gang and making a name for ourselves," the FIR quoted the arrested assailants as telling the police.
#atiqueahmed #atiq #ashraf #press
"Atique Ahmed" was the most viewed wikipedia page on 15 April 2023, nearly 326,574 times!
Encounter hoga: Gangster-turned-politician #Atiq’s ‘prophetic’ words, 19 years ago
Although a dreaded name, #AtiqueAhmed used to talk candidly to local journalists in informal sittings at regular intervals, as a neta, who won assembly elections from Allahabad’s City West… #press
To debate #AtiqueAhmed as criminal or not is meaningless now. We have already murdered him before he could face his day in court. What were UP police fearing? What was he going to say in court? We will never know. Anyone who mentions him as criminal etc is playing police game.
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. Atique Ahmed #AtiqueAhmed
2. Boston Marathon bombing #BostonMarathonBombing
3. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev #DzhokharTsarnaev
#atiqueahmed #bostonmarathonbombing #dzhokhartsarnaev
The killing in broad daylight of gangster #AtiqueAhmed and his brother Ashraf showed that crime was at its peak in Uttar Pradesh, former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav said, shortly after the murders #press