33. #OverTheEdge (#AtlasGames) - I played OTE for the first time. I've run it plenty but it was lovely to play a PC. As part of Virtual #Grogmeet, @TheTweedmeister ran a massively enjoyable double length dose of weirdness. We were looking for someone's daughter in Al Amarja - it was that simple. We managed not to destroy the universe, so, result!
#overtheedge #atlasgames #Grogmeet #ttrpg #2023games
@nisjasper @Bartimaeus #UnknownArmies ist eh ein tolles Spiel, das leider immer etwas unter dem Radar geblieben ist, wie auch das ebenfalls bei #AtlasGames erschiene, thematisch verwandte #OverTheEdge - das ist allerdings deutlich pulpiger und passt nicht so recht in die Horror-Ecke.
#unknownarmies #atlasgames #overtheedge
Anyone considering taking part in #NewGamemasterMonth ?
With support from publishers like @Chaosium @pelgranepress #AtlasGames #EvilHat #ArcDream for #Runequest #TrailOfCthulhu #UnknownArmies #MonsterOfTheWeek & #DeltaGreen respectively, it's a great programme for getting you started in running #ttrpgs
#newgamemastermonth #atlasgames #evilhat #arcdream #runequest #trailofcthulhu #UnknownArmies #monsteroftheweek #deltagreen #ttrpgs