Haven't been out as much lately, but my man sent me this awesome new work from #clops!
I finally caught the #clops on the back of the Gold Club. Is it wearing a tank top? #graffiti #atlgraffiti
My favorite #clops yet. Can't believe I hadn't posted this one. #graffiti #atlgraffiti
I just barely caught this snapshot while traveling down 400. Spotting all of these #clops #graffiti is starting to feel like a scavenger hunt. There's one on the back of the Gold Club I really need to capture.
More #graffiti on Cheshire Bridge.
#ibeam #koast #atlgraffiti
#graffiti #ibeam #koast #atlgraffiti
This was my first #clops sighting. IIRC the cluster of small eyes showed up first, and then the larger ones in the background were added. The style has certainly become more refined! #graffiti #atlgraffiti
Attack of the #clops again. I am finding so many more of these lately. Gotta get out to get some more pictures. #graffiti #atlgraffiti
I grabbed this picture back in March. Sadly this #clops #graffiti is gone now.
More #graffiti #atlgraffiti #mirs
This one has been around a long time. At least a decade.
More #graffiti #atlgraffiti. It's a bit faint, but you can see the acrostic saying "TRAP ATL". And a bit of #clops on the pillar in the background.
Smile more, worry less. #graffiti #atlgraffiti with a bit of #clops in the background if you look closely enough.
#graffiti #atlgraffiti #clops
I'm wondering who Clops is. Started seeing this tag all over my area and it makes me smile!