chuchoter vs murmurer
#시구이_2027#stardust #आत्मन् #Ātman
#αγορά #songlines #GAF #32 #ludmila #lostcosmonaut
#jackpot #고모라 #Bang–bang_control #Điều_khiển_đóng-mở #0_ou_1
#시구이_2027 #आतमन #atman #αγορά #songlines #gaf #ludmila #lostcosmonaut #jackpot #고모라 #bang #diều_khiển_dong #0_ou_1
@permafriday @tokyo_0 @00Aaron @olavf @Nordstahl As an ABCD Elder Millennial raised on Amar Chitra Katha from the 70’s and 80’s, I recommend Grant Morrison’s 18 Days
#GrantMorrison #18Days #Mahabharata #GenX #graphicnovel #ancientmythology #storytelling #philosophy #metaphysics #advaitavedanta #sanskrit #culture #communication #characters #narrative #theology #atman #neoplatonism #nous #psychedelics #transcendentalism #neoplatonism #arianism
#grantmorrison #18days #Mahabharata #genx #graphicnovel #ancientmythology #storytelling #philosophy #metaphysics #AdvaitaVedanta #Sanskrit #culture #communication #characters #narrative #theology #atman #Neoplatonism #nous #psychedelics #transcendentalism #arianism
As I'm running four different AS112 sinkholes in Poland, here's couple of numbers you may find interesting.
The most popular private network in Poland seems to be (at least among those not or badly configured) 192.168/16. Reverse requests for this space account for 68% of AS112 sinkholed traffic. The next one, but barely, is 172.16/12 (17%) and last - 10/8 (15%).
Out of domains I can share are of interest, top is Google's thread (230 queries per second on average across four AS112 instances), and the proxy autodiscovery (182 queries per second).
As always, I'll be reaching out to the "top talkers" to let them know they're leaking queries to internet. For those of you that reacted and fixed your systems - kudos!
Please make sure to configure properly your DNS resolvers people, and don't leak reverse queries to internet! To check for more info - please visit #as112 #anycast #plnog #dns #atman #epix #vectra
#as112 #anycast #PLNOG #dns #atman #epix #vectra
Valis, Philip K. Dick: “The third eye had to be re-opened if we were to get out of the maze.”
@ Blogspot:
@ Substack:
#gnosticism #philipkdick #thirdeye #santmat #pathofthemasters #valis #attention #atman #meditation #spirituality #mysticism
#mysticism #gnosticism #philipkdick #pathofthemasters #meditation #spirituality #thirdeye #santmat #valis #attention #atman
“The third eye had to be re-opened if we were to get out of the maze,” Mini said, “but since we no longer remembered that we had that ajna faculty, the eye of discernment, we could not go about seeking techniques for re-opening it. Something outside had to enter, something which we ourselves would be unable to build.” (Philip K. Dick, Valis)
#gnosticism #philipkdick #thirdeye #santmat #pathofthemasters #valis #attention #atman #meditation #spirituality #mysticism
#philipkdick #spirituality #mysticism #gnosticism #meditation #thirdeye #santmat #pathofthemasters #valis #attention #atman
“Ha magadat kijavítod, az egész világon javítasz. A nap egyszerűen csak fénylik, nem akar senkit megjavítani. Mivel ő maga fénylik, az egész világ fénnyel telik meg. Önmagad átalakítása eszköz, hogy fényt vigyél a világba.”— Srí Rámana Mahárisi
#elefant #onvalo #atman #lelek #tanitas
Kirpal Singh: "Anyone whose soul is under the mind’s influence and control becomes an image of the mind, for he forgets his True Self."
Sant Mat E-Library Online:
Kirpal Singh Books:
#KirpalSingh #MasterKirpalSingh #SantKirpalSinghJiMaharaj
#Mind #Influences #Soul #TrueSelf #Atman #Surat #Soul #BuddhaNature #ChristNature #SantMat #SuratShabdYoga #Radhasoami #SeatOfTheSoul #ThirdEye #InnerLightAndSound #Meditation #Spirituality
#kirpalsingh #atman #surat #thirdeye #masterkirpalsingh #santkirpalsinghjimaharaj #mind #influences #soul #trueself #buddhanature #christnature #santmat #suratshabdyoga #radhasoami #seatofthesoul #innerlightandsound #meditation #spirituality