A Mega-Tiny Arduino https://hackaday.com/2023/03/02/a-mega-tiny-arduino/ #ArduinoHacks #minimalist #arduino #atmega #Atmel #small #32u4 #USBC
#ArduinoHacks #minimalist #arduino #atmega #atmel #small #32u4 #USBC
A Mega-Tiny Arduino - Integrated circuits, chipsets, memory modules, and all kinds of other transistor-b... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/02/a-mega-tiny-arduino/ #arduinohacks #minimalist #arduino #atmega #atmel #small #32u4 #usbc
#usbc #32u4 #small #atmel #atmega #arduino #minimalist #arduinohacks
Mein braver Teststick :-) ... 2 x #CANFD, 1 x #LIN, 1 x #USB (serial) und ein paar digitale, analoge und comms auf Stiftleisten rausgeführt. Schnell zusammengenagelt in dieses schöne kleine USB-Stick-Gehäuse, damit die Sammy-C21-Platine mit dem LIN-Transceiver sicher verpackt ist.
Für die Feldbusse nehm ich dann diverse D-Sub auf Dupont-Adapter nach Bedarf. Ein sehr nützliches Ensemble.
#canfd #lin #usb #elektronik #atsam #c21 #atmel #microchip #can #maker
Lisp Runs This Microcontroller Pendant https://hackaday.com/2022/12/10/lisp-runs-this-microcontroller-pendant/ #microcontroller #SoftwareHacks #interpreter #attiny3227 #wearable #pendant #attiny #Atmel #ulisp #lisp #star
#microcontroller #SoftwareHacks #interpreter #attiny3227 #wearable #pendant #attiny #atmel #ulisp #lisp #star
Lisp Runs This Microcontroller Pendant - As a programming language, Lisp has been around longer than any other active langu... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/10/lisp-runs-this-microcontroller-pendant/ #microcontroller #softwarehacks #interpreter #attiny3227 #wearable #pendant #attiny #atmel #ulisp #lisp #star
#star #lisp #ulisp #atmel #attiny #pendant #wearable #attiny3227 #interpreter #softwarehacks #microcontroller
Come Learn About New ATtiny Generations https://hackaday.com/2022/11/27/come-learn-about-new-attiny-generations/ #chipoftheweek #ATtinyHacks #comparison #how-to #attiny #Atmel #parts
#chipoftheweek #ATtinyHacks #comparison #how #attiny #atmel #Parts
Come Learn About New ATtiny Generations - As the chip shortage hit, a lot of the familiar ATtiny chips have become unavailab... - https://hackaday.com/2022/11/27/come-learn-about-new-attiny-generations/ #chipoftheweek #attinyhacks #comparison #how-to #attiny #atmel #parts
#parts #atmel #attiny #how #comparison #attinyhacks #chipoftheweek
🥰 Well.... yes.... this is OFFICIALLY the most #amazing #atmel board I've ever owned. I can't wait to turn this lil fella into a #wearabletech #project Any ideas?
#arduino #programming #maker #make #fun #minifig #minifigure #lego #hobby #electronics
Brilliant @ben_shockley www.minifigboards.com
#amazing #atmel #wearabletech #project #arduino #programming #maker #make #fun #minifig #minifigure #lego #hobby #electronics
To Turn an ATtiny817 into a 150MHz Counter, First Throw Out the Spec Sheet - One generally reads a data sheet in one of two ways. The first is to take every sp... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/14/to-turn-an-attiny817-into-a-150mhz-counter-first-throw-out-the-spec-sheet/ #frequencycounter #attinyhacks #attiny817 #prescaler #counter #atmel #avr #tcd
#tcd #avr #atmel #counter #prescaler #attiny817 #attinyhacks #frequencycounter
https://youtu.be/nf5YiHHTgfM# #IoT : one of my early #iot hack done 5 years ago with #Wearable #SmartSwitch : using #Atmel board, #Samsung #Gear, #Tizen, #Iotivity and #Android more at https://purl.org/rzr/youtube#
#iot #samsung #android #tizen #wearable #SmartSwitch #atmel #gear #iotivity