🎥 We flew in a #HurricaneHunter C-130 during #AtmosphericRiver missions over the #Pacific. Here’s what we saw! 👇
#PiñaCollider #cawx #meteorology #aviation #airforce #military #california #news #abc10 #atmosphericfirehose
#hurricanehunter #atmosphericriver #pacific #pinacollider #cawx #meteorology #aviation #airforce #military #california #news #abc10 #atmosphericfirehose
We're about to take you up in this #HurricaneHunter plane.
Photographer Tyler Horst and I joined the crew for a nearly 10-hour mission into the #atmosphericriver systems over the Pacific, flying halfway to Hawaii and back.
We'll show you how they do the job-- and how much more work there is to do improving forecasts for these systems on #ABC10 at 6:30pm. (ABC10 Roku/FireTV and abc10.com as well)
#CAwx #Storms #Meteorology #News #PiñaCollider #AtmosphericFirehose
#hurricanehunter #atmosphericriver #abc10 #cawx #storms #meteorology #news #pinacollider #atmosphericfirehose
@nwsbayarea_bot Unusually specific and in fact absolutely correct. #AtmostphericRivers #AtmosphericFirehose
#atmostphericrivers #atmosphericfirehose
#PineappleWaterGrenade #atmosphericfirehose #Novato #belMarinKeys the edge of the Arlington lot at the end of Digital drive is adjacent to wetlands. I affectionately call it the swamp. We’ve had so much rain, the swamp is the highest I’ve ever seen
#pineapplewatergrenade #atmosphericfirehose #novato #belmarinkeys
#storm2023 #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose #Marin #Novato the animals are rejoicing at the moisture in #NorthernCalifornia of late. More rain coming tonight. All is safe and warm. Just some shrooms in the back forty today.
#storm2023 #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose #Marin #novato #northerncalifornia
Now that we have a #bombcyclone and #PineappleExpress #AtmosphericRiver together, does that make…
an #AtmosphericWaterBomb? #atmosphericfirehose?
Other ideas?
#bombcyclone #pineappleexpress #atmosphericriver #atmosphericwaterbomb #atmosphericfirehose #pineapplewatergrenade
Massive tree. Just massive. No idea when this will get cleared. #bayareaweather #bayareawx #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose
#bayareaweather #BayAreaWX #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose
So my 2022 went out with a bang. Literally. #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose #weather #BayAreawx #bayareaweather
#atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose #weather #BayAreaWX #bayareaweather
#Meteorology ppl:
Instead of #atmosphericriver, could we go with #atmosphericfirehose?
#meteorology #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose