“#BC.’s hot, dry #summer could be setting the province up for a catastrophic #flooding event similar to the one that occurred during the #AtmosphericRivers in November 2021.
The comments came during an update on current wildfire and drought conditions. Bowinn Ma, minister of emergency management and climate readiness, said weather in the weeks and months ahead will determine the potential for fall #flooding and whether drought conditions continue into next year.” https://mastodon.roitsystems.ca/@bcinfo/111025697811564145
#bc #summer #flooding #atmosphericrivers
Latest post: Can I have this climate change for the rest of my life? https://occamsrazor.info/2023/07/21/can-i-have-this-climate-change-for-the-rest-of-my-life/ #climatechange #lanina #rain #flooding #atmosphericrivers
#climatechange #LaNina #rain #flooding #atmosphericrivers
Post-Wildfire Debris Flows in California: CW3E has produced this StoryMap focused on post-#wildfire debris flows (PFDF) and their association with #Atmosphericrivers in California. #water #flood https://cw3e.ucsd.edu/Projects/DebrisFlowStoryMap/
#wildfire #atmosphericrivers #water #flood
Post-Wildfire Debris Flows in California: CW3E has produced this StoryMap focused on post-#wildfire debris flows (PFDF) and their association with #Atmosphericrivers in California. #water #flood https://cw3e.ucsd.edu/Projects/DebrisFlowStoryMap/
#flood #Water #atmosphericrivers #wildfire
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-05-atmospheric-rivers-linked-greenland-ice.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-05-atmospheric-rivers-linked-greenland-ice.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1654137819755839491#m
#Atmosphericrivers linked to melting #Greenlandicesheet @UWMadison @NatureComms https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37434-8 https://phys.org/news/2023-05-atmospheric-rivers-linked-greenland-ice.html
#atmosphericrivers #greenlandicesheet
What happens in the #tropics can set up extreme precipitation events in the #Arctic—New National Snow and Ice Data Center feature story about the Arctic Rain on Snow Study and the impacts of #AtmosphericRivers and other tropical-subtropical meteorological phenomena on Arctic precipitation: https://nsidc.org/news-analyses/news-stories/what-happens-tropics-can-reach-arctic-and-set-extreme-precipitation-events
#tropics #arctic #atmosphericrivers
No one expected 31 atmospheric rivers storms to hit California. The mystery remains: Why? #CAWX #California #AtmosphericRivers
#CAwx #california #atmosphericrivers
The science of #California’s record #snow: "Nature spoke to atmospheric and #climate scientists about what’s driving the surge in wet #weather and what the state could look like in a warmer future."
#atmosphericrivers #snowstorm #storms #snowpack #climatechange #extremeweather
#California #snow #climate #weather #atmosphericrivers #snowstorm #storms #snowpack #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeather
Astonishing frequency and density of AR tracks into California this water year. I'd guess unprecedented, but will defer to @CW3E_Scripps.
RT @Scripps_Ocean
We have #AtmosphericRivers to thank for all this recent rain! 🌧️ The team from @CW3E_Scripps says we are at 31 atmospheric river events so far this water year (11 weak, 13 moderate, 6 strong, 1 extreme). Here is the map of where and when they all hit. ⬇️
If you prevent farming by flooding the lake bottom, you don't need as much water for agriculture.
"Tulare Lake, drained decades ago, may return after California’s record-breaking storms"
#wx #CAwx #California #TulareLake #atmosphericRivers #pineappleExpress
#pineappleexpress #atmosphericrivers #tularelake #california #cawx #wx
@privateshufti this article is really wonderful, thank you so much for sharing. The need for and already occurring emergence of new vocabulary has already been a #ClimateDiary theme (#WinterDrought #AtmosphericRivers etc) but Anna Badkhen puts it so well
“Every day spells a new normal, requires our hearts to learn an endless vocabulary.” ❤️
#ClimateDiary #winterdrought #atmosphericrivers
⬆️ “Across #California, residents have been reeling from the effect of #extremeweather, with a large portion of the state now covered by a presidential emergency declaration. California has been hit with 11 #atmosphericrivers in a virtually nonstop series that has sparked #floods and #landslides, toppled trees, stranded mountain dwellers in historically deep snow and downed power lines, leaving thousands without electricity.” What’s it like in
#Pajaro #SanClemente? #ClimateDiary
#california #extremeweather #atmosphericrivers #floods #landslides #pajaro #sanclemente #ClimateDiary
Bay Area storm update: Feeling sad about the loss of neighborhood trees.
Today my daughter's elementary school lost several trees. A nearby park lost most of a small grove of redwoods (not super old ones). A neighbor lost their second tree in 2 months.
These losses were caused by a series of climatic events: severe drought then sooo much rain + severe winds.
#climate #atmosphericrivers #Trees #rain #wind
@BrunoMcGee @inquiline After #WinterDrought this is another new word for me this month, #AtmosphericRivers
#winterdrought #atmosphericrivers #ClimateDiary
@inquiline @pvonhellermannn I've been eyeing the Yuba Kombi E5. It's flat here in the southern #SacramentoValley so maybe electric propulsion is not essential, but runs to the co-op, grocery store and farmer's market would be super fun. Maybe not fun at the moment, since we're getting deluged with #AtmosphericRivers coming from the tropical Pacific, or when #Wildfires are fumigating the state. But 300+ other days out of the year should be fine.
#sacramentovalley #atmosphericrivers #wildfires
The world's #atmosphericrivers now have an intensity ranking like hurricanes.
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-03-world-atmospheric-rivers-intensity-hurricanes.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-03-world-atmospheric-rivers-intensity-hurricanes.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1633914818762772481#m
The world's #atmosphericrivers now have an #intensityranking like hurricanes https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019JD031205 https://phys.org/news/2023-03-world-atmospheric-rivers-intensity-hurricanes.html
#atmosphericrivers #intensityranking
How do you track an atmospheric river? Climb aboard this highflying reconnaissance jet
#atmosphericrivers #science https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2023-02-01/jet-california-atmospheric-rivers-climate-change
Multiple weak #AtmosphericRivers are forecast to bring precipitation to the US West Coast over the next several days.
For more a detailed look at the forecast, visit: https://cw3e.ucsd.edu/cw3e-ar-update-1-february-2023-outlook/ #cawx
Here's the final precip map for all the #atmosphericrivers that hit #california starting around the New Year 2023.
#California #atmosphericrivers