For scifi writers and scifi #TTRPG game masters. An article about different power structures in different interstellar empires.
#ttrpg #scifi #atomicrockets #galacticempire
A scifi universe building project
" a post-apocalyptic, post-capitalistic, interstellar setting where semi-realistic spacecraft coexist with unknowable alien ruins, paracausal creatures, open-source FTL devices and colourful, vibrant societies. "
#scifi #atomicrockets #worldbuilding
@maxthefox @MeiLin @angelastella
In the 1950s there was a TV and book series called Tom Corbett Space Cadet.
The rocket ships, as near as I could figure, had liquid-core or gas-core nuclear thermal engines. If not actual nuclear salt water rockets.
When landed, the remaining liquid nuclear fuel would be removed, for safety reasons.
The truck doing this was called the "Hot Soup Wagon"...
Realistic spacecraft bits, assembled by mikusingularity and I
@maxthefox @sudnadja @AEBdigital @pauldrye
Yes, FTL that cannot be used in a strong gravity gradient is fairly standard.
My empires are starting out as spheres so the stars can be roughly sorted automatically by the Python script. Because the dataset had 2,600 freaking stars. The idea was after the script did the grunt work, I could manually tweak the map to make it more interesting. Then trying to automate the tweaks.
Later I would try again with a bigger map.
@sudnadja @maxthefox @AEBdigital @pauldrye
I am still fiddling with a simplistic 13 empire approximated by the vertices of a cuboctahedron. Simplistic 100 ly radius bounding sphere, each empire sphere 33.3 radius.
Each systen is connected to 2 closest neighbors. Systems that are ยฑ20% of being equidistance from the nearest two empire centers are the neutral zone (white). Rest of systems belong to closest empire center.
#AtomicRockets #GalacticEmpire
#atomicrockets #galacticempire
Irritatingly, all foreseeable rocket engines are low thrust/high Isp ("high gear"), or high thrust/low Isp ("low gear").
Scifi fans could really use a medium thrust/medium Isp engine, but there doesn't seem to be any.
Pues si quieres tener inspiraciรณn para detalles de tus aventuras te recomiendo que visites #AtomicRockets de @nyrath , es denso pero muy interesante ๐ ๐ง
Mmm... Si tens temps, ganes i un coneixement mitjร d'anglรจs potser et pot interessar fer una ullada a #AtomicRockets de @nyrath .
Perhaps this can also help you to consider this question:
(#AtomicRockets by @nyrath )
If you are interested in #WorldBuilding you should read #AtomicRockets by @nyrath :
โฌ๏ธ Interesting, and I see that the the novel "Accelerando" by @cstross also uses it (and it's available as :cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_nc_us: :cc_nd: here
Anyone interested in #WorldBuilding also can read
(the last link from the excellent #AtomicRockets by @nyrath )
Have you read #AtomicRockets by @nyrath ?
I'm sure you will find it very interesting.
Ademรกs de los enlaces que ya han puesto creo que tambiรฉn te puede interesar este enlace de #AtomicRockets (el sitio web creado por @nyrath ):
Some interesting #FollowFriday / #FF accounts you should follow;
@nyrath (the author of #AtomicRockets :
@traveller (generates #Traveller subsector maps)
@AbueloMetal (a #Talislanta expert)
@YUMDM (creator of the #d12monthly zine:
@Dumagul (creator of Agencia Espcial:
#FollowFriday #FF #atomicrockets #traveller #talislanta #d12monthly
RocketCat's Combat Starship Power Allocation System
A proposed game mechanism gor game designers
Reverse-engineering the Globus INK, a Soviet spaceflight navigation computer
#AtomicRockets #SpaceShip #Astrogation
#astrogation #spaceship #atomicrockets
The Tyranny of the Wagon equation
DART mission reveals asteroid Dimorphos is dry as a bone
#isru #atomicrockets #asteroid