*<wheeze>* Athelstan Britannica *<wheeze>*
#atomicshrimp #scambaiting #youtube
@Affienia I need to get into the woods - your wood ear posts have reminded me of this recipe from #AtomicShrimp that I’ve been wanting to try
Aah, I do love me some #longform #AtomicShrimp #ScamBating #Youtube #Videos. Yes I do. Better than an audiobook.
#longform #atomicshrimp #scambating #youtube #videos
Un o fy hoff sianeli YouTube yn taclo un o fwydydd mwya eiconig Cymru - heb wylio eto ond dyma #AtomicShrimp ar fara lawr. #WeirdStuffInACan
#weirdstuffinacan #atomicshrimp
AI Image Generation Algorithms - Breaking The Rules, Gently
#dalle #stablediffusion #atomicshrimp
Some more specific things I enjoy and would love to connect with people on-
#videogames some of my faves include #7daystodie #rimworld #stardewvalley and #raft
#horrormovies including anything #thelastdrivein
#food and #cooking YouTube, some of my faves are #mythicalkitchen #dancingbacons and #atomicshrimp
#writing both professionally and as a hobby. #copywriting #contentmanagement and #creativewriting
Looking forward to connecting!
#creativewriting #contentmanagement #copywriting #writing #atomicshrimp #DancingBacons #mythicalkitchen #cooking #food #thelastdrivein #horrormovies #raft #stardewvalley #rimworld #7daystodie #videogames