Does anyone know if it is _always_ safe to feed a signal with a DC offset into _any_ audio equipment inputs? Consumer and pro level alike?
I tried it with my Nikon D300S, Fuji X-E1, ZOOM H4n Pro and my TASCAM DR-07 and all were OK filtering it... So can I assume it is OK to sell a gadget that outputs a +3.3 dBu signal with a 1.6V DC component into everyone line inputs? (and attenuated for mic inputs)
Boosts appréciés!
#audio #electronics #atomicsynchronator #timecode #arduino
Pas cher, pas cher! #Atomicsynchronator
@adafruit Oh no!😨 And what about the more modest SAMD21? My project is using its 10 bits DAC output... where are published chips EOL planned dates? #atomicsynchronator
@apertus could you please please 🙏 show the way to big camera (and audio recorder) manufacturers?
Implement microsecond UTC time stamping of recordings based on embedded GNSS chip (using synced TCXO RTC for no-fix fall back). Oh, and please *kill* SMPTE LTC #atomicsynchronator [EDIT] I should be more direct:
Une meilleure présentation de la synchronisation automatisée de clips multi-cam #atomicsynchronator #videoediting #videoproduction #audiorecording PS: je cherche toujours de l'aide pour compléter ce projet. Étape importante qui me rebute: faire un standalone installer... Je n'y connais _rien_ (et je n'arrive pas encore à importer mes modules python correctement🤡 )
abonnez-vous à la liste de discussion (j'y suis le seul abonné 😋 )
#atomicsynchronator #videoediting #videoproduction #audiorecording
#atomicsynchronator Bin voilà, projet commencé en décembre 2020, une importante étape franchie ce soir: la synchronisation de clips multicam, le tout automagically, (NB: no sound) Reste à vendre mon gizmo... 🥳
oh god! je voulais exporter mes synchro multicam avec OpenTimeLineIO mais je découvre que Davinci Resolve ne lit pas les projets otio (et il y a un conflit d'installation entre python et kdenlive que je n'ai pas envie de résoudre)... je cherche donc maintenant du côté de XML ou AAF... mais c'est le bordel côté docu des API: lors de recherches google je ne trouve que des forums où est posé la question "c'est quoi du XML? c'est quoi du AAF" 🙄
#atomicsynchronator #videoproduction #videoediting
Here's a good example of the problem I want to address with my #atomicsynchronator project: How do you keep audio and video in sync *from start to finish* of a long take (yes I know about waveform analysis syncing: it doesn't help if scratch audio is bad or absent or if cam is 15' away) Watch this 2 hr long discussion about the Russian special military operation The audio and video are correctly synced at the start but at the end they are out of sync *by 6 frames*
@drewdevault Ah! My project is FOSS and I'm a paying user! 🙂 and hosting its homepage on sourcehut server via Hugo static builts: #atomicsynchronator
My first r/videography post! J'espère qu'il aura plus de succès que celui que j'ai fait dans r/LocationSound <crickets> #atomicsynchronator
AH! Got the flash to use *image* processing functions for detecting pulses in a *sound file*. 😜
Sachez que skimage.morphology.closing() and skimage.measure.label() both work on 1D images 😎
but not regionprops, faut pas pousser... #python #soundprocessing #atomicsynchronator
#python #soundprocessing #atomicsynchronator
I should automate this... for now I'm grabbing coords manually with
#videoproduction #soundrecording #atomicsynchronator
In my quest for an audio/video lag measurement apparatus, I filmed this test sequence where you can see how the rolling shutter effect is *stretching* even more the motion blur of the LED. The camera is flipped sideways so the sensor is read from right to left and when the LED is moving vertically, it is moving perpendicularly to the CMOS sensor reading process and so is not elongated further as it become when moving horizontally. #atomicsynchronator #videoproduction
#atomicsynchronator #videoproduction
No sound, almost self-explanatory for those familiar with double-system sound. #atomicsynchronator
@aaron not a job offer (sorry) but if you're into #FOSS, #soundrecording and #videoproduction, this *may* interest you (I'm looking for advices, beta testers, GUI devs, etc...): #atomicsynchronator for my masto posts and for the project home. TL;DR: it's a timecode gizmo for the DYI masses. NOT smpte ltc...😑
#foss #soundrecording #videoproduction #atomicsynchronator
Slowly, I'm coming out of the closet, announcing my project in the relevant communities (here on LocationSound subreddit). Je suis un peu hésitant, parce que je crains le rejet 😏 , bien que je sois persuadé de son bien-fondé. Now I should contact filming crews and editors who can solder AND install desktop software AND flash firmware.😜 #atomicsynchronator #audio #recording #video #filming
#filming #video #recording #audio #atomicsynchronator
#atomicsynchronator This is old but nice. I was trying to find the best way to generate an easily locatable sync pulse in an numerized audio track. (this is not it 😏 )
Adding to this mess are some vendors calling "time code" the video start-time metadata: it is a _time stamp_ not a time code. By definition, time code (on any media) is a separate track on which time references are _continually_ recorded in digital form as an aid to editing. #atomicsynchronator
Syncing and dedrifting done, even for multifile recordings. 🥳 #atomicsynchronator