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Y a que moi que ca fait C*?
#AntiFa #AntiFascists #FuckNazis #FuckMAGA #anarchism #Squad #20Years #ACAB #société #politique #économie #roland_gori #société_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #technocratie #conformisme #infobésité #atomisation #massification #reformedesretraites #retraiteà60ans #Macron #GestionDesFoules #Répression-prisons #défensecollective #manifestation #arrestation #lutte #GiletsJaunes #casserolades
#antifa #antifascists #fucknazis #fuckmaga #anarchism #squad #20years #acab #societe #politique #economie #roland_gori #societe_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #technocratie #conformisme #infobesite #atomisation #massification #reformedesretraites #RetraiteA60ans #macron #gestiondesfoules #repression #defensecollective #manifestation #arrestation #lutte #giletsjaunes #casserolades
⛔ https://v.redd.it/mwgwumy682oa1 ⛔
Multiplied by the Number of banks AND spanning since 2006....and all becomes clear:
#politics #usa #USPol #justice #sociology #SocialPsychology #socialscience #société #politique #économie #economic #marché_libre #économie_de_marché_libre #concurrence #compétition #new_public_management #société_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #néonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensée_critique #infobésité #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #évaluation
#politics #usa #uspol #justice #sociology #socialpsychology #socialscience #societe #politique #economie #economic #marche_libre #economie_de_marche_libre #concurrence #competition #new_public_management #societe_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #neonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensee_critique #infobesite #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #evaluation
Multiplied by the Number of banks AND spanning since 2006....and all becomes clear:
#politics #usa #USPol #justice #sociology #SocialPsychology #socialscience #société #politique #économie #economic #marché_libre #économie_de_marché_libre #concurrence #compétition #new_public_management #société_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #néonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensée_critique #infobésité #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #évaluation
#politics #usa #uspol #justice #sociology #socialpsychology #socialscience #societe #politique #economie #economic #marche_libre #economie_de_marche_libre #concurrence #competition #new_public_management #societe_du_spectacle #fascisme #technofascisme #neonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensee_critique #infobesite #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #evaluation
LA RELIGION DU MARCHÉ A FAIT DE NOUS DES ÊTRES SERVILES ET CONFORMES - Roland Gori - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ffYfySvRU #société #politique #économie #roland_gori #marché_libre #économie_de_marché_libre #concurrence #compétition #new_public_management #société_du_spectacle #néolibéralisme #capitaliste #fascisme #technofascisme #néonazisme #technocratie #conformisme #pensée_critique #infobésité #atomisation #massification #identitarisme #nudge #évaluation #philosophie #langage #
#langage #philosophie #evaluation #nudge #Identitarisme #massification #atomisation #infobesite #pensee_critique #conformisme #technocratie #neonazisme #technofascisme #fascisme #capitaliste #neoliberalisme #societe_du_spectacle #new_public_management #competition #concurrence #economie_de_marche_libre #marche_libre #roland_gori #economie #politique #societe
Why do we, as a society, allow the raising of children by untrained people whose only claim to such rights is sharing DNA?
We wouldn't let untrained doctors operate on us, nor untrained mechanics fondle our cars to fix them, nor would we want untrained teachers to teach us.
Yet, in the realm of the family we let untrained parents rule over their progeny with little interference. They are basically free to damage the next generation, to punish them for not conforming to the wishes of the parent(s). In essence, people are free to rear damaged individuals for the sake of ... what? DNA?
What is so special about their DNA that parents need to have full control over a person? To remove them from their community, to have them be forced into an unequal situation compared to their peers?
Conveniently, this is a by-product of promoting atomisation of the individual to sell more of everything.
Atomisation has lead us to the average worker being forced to both hold down a job and raise children, leaving them little time to organise with their community or their fellow workers or even learn how to properly parent. Forcing them to only depend upon themselves and maybe their extended family for support.
This creates a cycle of poor parenting and only feeds the flames of capitalism further.
#anticapitalism #abolishthefamily #atomisation
@CuriousJane capitalism works on breaking all our relations, not only to nature, also our relationship to each other and to another is targeted. the so called #individualism is nothing else but the #atomisation of the #society, the pulverisation of #solidarity
#individualism #atomisation #society #solidarity
Also a great way to #divideandRule.
Imagine being able to #divide the population in half. Its very interesting that after #Facebook #cyberAttacked #Australia in Feb, a poor woman apparently commits #suicide over something that happened in the 1980s and an office #sexScandal in #Canberra is plastered across the #legacyMedia.
#divideandrule #divide #facebook #cyberAttacked #australia #suicide #sexScandal #canberra #legacymedia #atomisation #distraction
#medium #binnie "Pourquoi Agile et Scrum sont catastrophiques" #Agile #Scrum #Client #Transparence #BusinessDriven #Atomisation #CourtTerme #Cohérence #FauxPositifs #Perception #Management #LeaderShip ... https://binnie.medium.com/pourquoi-agile-et-scrum-sont-catastrophiques-3d699aa67a33
#medium #binnie #agile #scrum #client #transparence #BusinessDriven #atomisation #CourtTerme #cohérence #fauxpositifs #perception #management #leadership
#medium #binnie "Pourquoi Agile et Scrum sont catastrophiques" #Agile #Scrum #Client #Transparence #BusinessDriven #Atomisation #CourtTerme #Cohérence #FauxPositifs #Perception #Management #LeaderShip ... https://binnie.medium.com/pourquoi-agile-et-scrum-sont-catastrophiques-3d699aa67a33
#leadership #management #perception #fauxpositifs #cohérence #CourtTerme #atomisation #BusinessDriven #transparence #client #scrum #agile #binnie #medium