The , as self-righteous and inhumane as they might be and act, are no whatsoever for "us" not trying much, much harder!

Where are those billions we always seem to have in the back of our hands when "we decide" to spend (read: waste) them on deadly weapons like those fucking (10B € just like that, because Olaf says so)?!

#taliban #Excuse #f35 #bombers #atomischlumpf #scholz #afghanistan #malnourishment #hunger #starvation #UnfreezeAfghanistan

Last updated 2 years ago

The , as self-righteous and inhumane as they might be and act, are no whatsoever for "us" not trying much, much harder!

Where are those billions we always seem to have in the back of our hands when "we decide" to spend (read: waste) them on deadly weapons like those fucking (10B € just like that, because Olaf says so)?!


#taliban #Excuse #f35 #bombers #atomischlumpf #scholz #afghanistan #malnourishment #hunger #UnfreezeAfghanistan

Last updated 2 years ago