“I laugh now
But later's not so easy
I gotta stop
The will is strong
But the flesh is weak
Guess that's it
I've made my bed
I'll lie in it”
#music #atomsforpeace #default
Airships are severely underrated!
- https://youtu.be/EBJI4l3jJyo
- https://youtu.be/h0hpcpnWAsQ
#atomsforpeace #atomicairship #nuclearenergy
“While my heart keeps returning
I am lost
I am weightless
With my arms by my side
I am hope
I can break this
I am rust
I am waiting
I am here
I am weightless
I am rust”
“While my heart keeps returning
I am lost, I am weightless
With my arms by my side
I am hope, I can break this
I am rust, I am waiting
I am here, I am weightless
I am rust, rust,
#Music #AtomsForPeace #Unless
A scientist's dream,
A peaceful world in her sight
Stolen away too soon
#sameeramoussa #womeninstem #atomsforpeace #haiku #poetry
10 years ago, #AtomsForPeace at @gaitelyrique @Paris https://www.photosconcerts.com/atoms-for-peace-paris-gaite-lyrique-2013-04-19-6838 @CORIDA @XLRECORDINGS @BeggarsFrance #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#atomsforpeace #photosconcerts #robertgil
"I'm sending out choirs of angels
Trying round pieces of string
Pieces of string
To run amok run amok run amok"
#Atomsforpeace #ThomYorke #mastoradio
#atomsforpeace #ThomYorke #mastoradio
Great interview with Daniel Craig talking to Thom Yorke. I have never seen him be so open. It’s from 2013 which makes it more interesting: so much has changed in just nine years. Enjoy.
#Radiohead #DanielCraig #ThomYorke #AtomsForPeace #TheSmile #Interview #InterviewMagazine https://www.interviewmagazine.com/music/thom-yorke
#radiohead #danielcraig #thomyorke #atomsforpeace #thesmile #interview #interviewmagazine
@publius thanks for the pin. #NoBloodForOil #atomsforpeace stickers are great too! My steam deck is getting a new logo soon.
“These are the rules
These are the rules,
and they are cruel”
“I laugh now
But later's not so easy
I gotta stop
The will is strong
But the flesh is weak
Guess that's it
I've made my bed
I'll lie in it”
#music #atomsforpeace #default #lyrics
#music #atomsforpeace #default #lyrics
#ArielPink #AtlasSound #AllahLas #SunstackJones #BlackSubmarine #CutCopy #AtomsForPeace #DavidBowie #MyMorningJacket #HiatusKaiyote #AphexTwin #AFX #Mew #Bibio #BlackLips #SufjanStevens #FleetFoxes #ShugoTokumaru #Blur #TheChameleons #ChameleonsUK #LedZeppelin #VashtiBunyan #AmorDeDias #FutureIslands #FatherJohnMisty #JohnFahey #RichardAshcroft #Raveonettes #TheWarOnDrugs #Cornelius #TheHorrors #ShyeBenTzur #Sulk #Westkust #Air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #MBV
#arielpink #atlassound #allahlas #sunstackjones #blacksubmarine #cutcopy #atomsforpeace #davidbowie #mymorningjacket #hiatuskaiyote #AphexTwin #afx #mew #bibio #blacklips #sufjanstevens #fleetfoxes #shugotokumaru #blur #thechameleons #chameleonsuk #ledzeppelin #vashtibunyan #amordedias #futureislands #fatherjohnmisty #johnfahey #richardashcroft #raveonettes #thewarondrugs #cornelius #thehorrors #shyebentzur #sulk #westkust #air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #mbv
It looks like the magazine is showing up in WorldCat.org:
I will see if there are any digitized issues with HathiTrust Digital Library.
Thank you so much for calling my attention to this!
#atomsforpeace #rfe #softpower #propaganda #coldwar
RT @ausgestrahlt@twitter.com
#AtomsForPeace? Das stimmte nie. #Atomkraft lässt sich von militärischen Interessen nicht trennen. Gute Gründe für den Ausstieg also, die ihr in der Diskussion mit Nuklear-Fans kennen solltet. Mehr in unseren #100GuteGruende mit @EWS_Schoenau@twitter.com:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ausgestrahlt/status/1372854080394133505
#atomsforpeace #Atomkraft #100GuteGruende #antiatom