#AlbanBerg #Tonality #Atonality #Twelve-ToneTechnique #SecondVienneseSchool
"I think the origin of all this clamour for tonality is not so much the need to sense a relationship to the tonic, as a need for familiar chords: let us be frank and say "for the triad"; and I believe I have good reason to say that just so long as a certain kind of music contains enough such triads, it causes no offence, even if in other ways it most violently clashes with the sacred laws of tonality." ~ Alban Berg
#secondvienneseschool #twelve #atonality #tonality #albanberg
I don't have anything to suggest off the top of my head, but I'd like to call more attention to the above request for #Scriabin-like uses of #atonality.
#AtonalMusic #Skryabin #AlexanderScriabin #MusicTheory #ClassicalMusic @musictheory @classicalmusic #ContemporaryClassical #Shostakovich #Prokofiev #Messiaen #Rautavaara #DmitriShostakovich #SergeiProkofiev #OlivierMessiaen #EinojuhaniRautavaara
#Scriabin #atonality #atonalmusic #skryabin #AlexanderScriabin #musictheory #classicalmusic #contemporaryclassical #shostakovich #prokofiev #Messiaen #rautavaara #dmitrishostakovich #sergeiprokofiev #oliviermessiaen #einojuhanirautavaara
Toward the end of his life, after having resisted #atonality (for want of a better term) for about 50 years, and kept #tonality alive through various "tricks" (#polytonality, #polyrhythm, ironic use of classical forms and citations, #collage... all devices which Bernstein once nicknamed "#tonal refreshers"), Stravinsky, whose personal beliefs were becoming increasingly religious & mystic, finally caved in to #dodecaphonic and #serial techniques, albeit in an idiosyncratically Stravinskian way...
#atonality #tonality #polytonality #polyrhythm #collage #tonal #dodecaphonic #serial
Leonard Bernstein on Schoenberg
#Music #MusicTheory
#Dodecaphony #Atonality #Bernstein #Schoenberg #SecondVienneseSchool
#music #musictheory #dodecaphony #atonality #bernstein #schoenberg #secondvienneseschool
Arnold Schoenberg - Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, Op. 19 (Six Little Piano Pieces) (1913)
Arnold Schoenberg - Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, Op. 19 (Six Little Piano Pieces) (1913)