@classicalmusic #JosefMatthiasHauer 1883 –1959
Romantische Phantasie op.37 (1925)
#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic #modernistmusic #atonalmusic #Hauer
#hauer #atonalmusic #modernistmusic #classicalmusic #musica #musique #music #musik #gottfriedrabl #radiosymphonieorchesterwien #josefmatthiashauer
I don't have anything to suggest off the top of my head, but I'd like to call more attention to the above request for #Scriabin-like uses of #atonality.
#AtonalMusic #Skryabin #AlexanderScriabin #MusicTheory #ClassicalMusic @musictheory @classicalmusic #ContemporaryClassical #Shostakovich #Prokofiev #Messiaen #Rautavaara #DmitriShostakovich #SergeiProkofiev #OlivierMessiaen #EinojuhaniRautavaara
#Scriabin #atonality #atonalmusic #skryabin #AlexanderScriabin #musictheory #classicalmusic #contemporaryclassical #shostakovich #prokofiev #Messiaen #rautavaara #dmitrishostakovich #sergeiprokofiev #oliviermessiaen #einojuhanirautavaara
I played for 20 years in the Amstel Quartet. This is one of the tunes I am most proud of. No one can equal this performance of Xenakis’ XAS. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of self critique, but this is truly something special. And we were also able to do this live!
#amstelquartet #iannisxenakis #xenakis #classicalmusic #avantgardemusic #atonalmusic #microtonal #saxophone #saxophonequartet #classicalsaxophone
#amstelquartet #iannisxenakis #Xenakis #classicalmusic #avantgardemusic #atonalmusic #microtonal #saxophone #saxophonequartet #classicalsaxophone
#DavidBedford with #KevinAyers and #TheWholeWorld feat. #RobertWyatt - '#TheGardenOfLove (1970)
#KevinAyersAndTheWholeWorld #Music #Rock #RockMusic #AvantGarde #Experimental #ExperimentalMusic #Atonal #AtonalMusic #MikeOldfield #Oldfield
#Oldfield #MikeOldfield #atonalmusic #atonal #experimentalmusic #experimental #avantgarde #rockmusic #rock #music #kevinayersandthewholeworld #thegardenoflove #robertwyatt #thewholeworld #kevinayers #DavidBedford
#atonalmusic #ArnoldSchoenberg #Schoenberg Instead of posting my own views now (still researching), I figure why not give credit and exposure to some people who have done a great job already. https://symposium.music.org/index.php/33-34/item/2103-schoenberg-on-the-modes-characteristics-substitutes-and-tonal-orientation
#atonalmusic #arnoldschoenberg #schoenberg
Current tag wish list, have something to say about the following?
#atonalmusic #kanji #hanzi #hanja #chessmusic #guitar #drums #sheng #sho #shawm #grammar #particles #translation #history #dictionary #dictionaries #lists #wordlists #themes #tv #movie #theater #noh #tendo #yamagata #qingdao #Sichuan #Xian #yurt #tuva #cadence #theory #composer #jiggae #tang #nigiri #bibimbap #hotpot #huoguo #shogi #xiangqi #opera #erhu #altai #steppe #gobi #tibet #mask #andong #kyogen #gambit #notation #score
#atonalmusic #kanji #hanzi #hanja #chessmusic #guitar #drums #sheng #sho #shawm #grammar #particles #translation #history #dictionary #dictionaries #lists #wordlists #themes #tv #movie #theater #noh #tendo #yamagata #qingdao #sichuan #xian #yurt #tuva #cadence #theory #composer #jiggae #tang #nigiri #bibimbap #hotpot #huoguo #shogi #xiangqi #opera #erhu #altai #steppe #gobi #tibet #mask #andong #kyogen #gambit #notation #score