My home town has declared bankruptcy - and this is a stockbroker belt, little England town which doesn't have a tonne of social issues. Instead it had careless Tory politicians spending like crazy on hotels and sky scrapers.
You know, the typical things you want the local authority in charge of collecting the garbage and maintaining roads doing.
Never loved my home town anyways.
Woking council declares bankruptcy with £1.2bn deficit -
A Town Called Malice: Sky setzt Serie nach 1. Staffel ab, trotz Fortsetzungsplänen... #ATownCalledMalice
A Town Called Malice - Review der Pilotepisode #ATownCalledMalice @SkyDeutschland
Heute neu: A Town Called Malice bei Sky und WOW #ATownCalledMalice #PlayByDay #HeuteNeu @SkyDeutschland
#HeuteNeu #PlayByDay #atowncalledmalice
#ATownCalledMalice on #SkyMax is what the tabloids used to describe as an "enjoyable romp". Lots of violence, misogynistic coppers, plenty of nasty-but-not-too-bright London gangsters, some strong power-behind-the-throne matriarchs and some really cool (and some rather less cool!) 80s tracks to punctuate it. First episode shows strong promise. We will be watching more. 😁
Heute neu: A Town Called Malice bei Sky UK #ATownCalledMalice #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #atowncalledmalice
Happy anniversary to The Jam’s final studio album, ‘The Gift’. Released this week in 1982. #thejam #paulweller #thegift #atowncalledmalice #precious #justwhoisthe5oclockhero
#TheJam #paulweller #thegift #atowncalledmalice #precious #justwhoisthe5oclockhero
A Town Called Malice: Deutschlandpremiere im April bei Sky #ATownCalledMalice @SkySerien
A Town Called Malice: Trailer und Startdatum der UK-Serie #ATownCalledMalice #trailer #serienstart #BillyIdol
#billyidol #serienstart #trailer #atowncalledmalice
#TheJam - '#ATownCalledMalice' (1982) from the #Album #TheGift
#Music #Song #Pop #PopMusic #Rock #RockMusic #NewWave #NewWaveMusic #ModRevival #Indie #Punk #PunkRock
#punkrock #punk #indie #modrevival #newwavemusic #newwave #rockmusic #rock #popmusic #pop #song #music #thegift #album #atowncalledmalice #thejam
Better stop dreaming of the quiet life
'Cause it's the one we'll never know
And quit running for that runaway bus
'Cause those rosy days are few
And stop apologizing for the things you've never done
'Cause time is short and life is cruel but it's up to us to change
#TheJam - #TownCalledMailice
#JohnWick, Mr. #L5RRPG & #7thSea, is talking about a storytelling game / #ttrpg called #ATownCalledMalice. I liked the #Kickstarter. #twinpeaks
#thejam #towncalledmailice #JohnWick #L5RRPG #7thsea #ttrpg #atowncalledmalice #Kickstarter #twinpeaks