Remember to stretch, breathe in, breathe out, think a kind thing to yourself.
Please be well.
#MonkeyTree #DetailsUpClose #BeWell #ATreeADay #BeKind #Nature #Photography #RememberToBreathe
#monkeytree #detailsupclose #bewell #atreeaday #bekind #nature #photography #remembertobreathe
Take a moment to stretch, take a breath, be kind.
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #Nature #Photography #BeWell #Tree #BeKind #TakeAMoment
#atreeaday #nature #photography #bewell #tree #bekind #takeamoment
Take a moment to admire something in your surroundings, take a deep breath, say something kind.
Please be well.
#BeWell #ATreeADay #Nature #Photography #Personalitrees #TakeAMoment
#bewell #atreeaday #nature #photography #personalitrees #takeamoment
Take a moment to stretch and breathe, remind yourself that it will be okay.
Please be well.
#bewell #atreeaday #birds #trees #takeamoment #takeabreath
Take a moment to make yourself big, stretch out and take a deep breath.
Please be well.
#atreeaday #photography #nature #timetostretch #trees
Remember to take a moment to stretch, take a deep breath, it will be okay.
Please be well.
#BeWell #Nature #Photography #Trees #ATreeADay #TakeAMoment #TimeForAStretch #BreatheInBreatheOut
#bewell #nature #photography #trees #atreeaday #takeamoment #timeforastretch #breatheinbreatheout
Remember to breathe, take a moment to stretch.
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #Nature #Photography #TimeToStretch #RememberToBreathe #Trees #StretchWithFriends #SnowyNight
#atreeaday #nature #photography #timetostretch #remembertobreathe #trees #stretchwithfriends #snowynight
Take a moment to stretch, remember to breath.
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #BeWell #Nature #Photography #Contrast #TakeAMoment #TimeToStretch
#atreeaday #bewell #nature #photography #contrast #takeamoment #timetostretch
Have you looked up yet today? While you are at it, look to the sides and look down too, then look right back up again!
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #Trees #BeWell #Nature #Photography #TimeForStretching #TakeAMoment
#atreeaday #trees #bewell #nature #photography #timeforstretching #takeamoment
Take a deep breath, say a kind thing out loud.
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #BeWell #Nature #Photography #Trees #Moss #Forest #RememberToBreath #BeKind #TakeAMoment #AdmireYourSurroundings
#atreeaday #bewell #nature #photography #trees #moss #forest #remembertobreath #bekind #takeamoment #admireyoursurroundings
Remember to breath, in 1 2 3 4 5, and out 1 2 3 4 5, give yourself some space.
Activity: Think about the plants near you, choose a favourite if you haven't already, think about why you like that one over the others, now pick another :)
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #BeWell #TimeToPonder #TreesAreTrees #Trees #Nature #Photography #RememberToBreath #TakeAMoment
#atreeaday #bewell #timetoponder #treesaretrees #trees #nature #photography #remembertobreath #takeamoment
Take a moment, take a breath, it will be okay.
Please be well.
#atreeaday #bewell #nature #photography #takeamoment
Sometimes there are no sides, what do you choose to see?
Please be well.
#ATreeADay #BeWell #Trees #TreesAreTrees #Photography #Nature #TreeliciousThursdays
#atreeaday #bewell #trees #treesaretrees #photography #nature #treeliciousthursdays