Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1267 followers · 785 posts · Server

I had a great time speaking with Helen Nichols and @jonshute from the British Society of Criminology teaching and learning network about my work teaching the of , particularly in a dedicated senior undergraduate course.

You can listen to the conversation here:

And you can read an article about the course Criminologies of Atrocity here:

#atrocity #criminology

Last updated 1 year ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
857 followers · 8863 posts · Server
J_D_Hathaway · @t3m3r1ty
5 followers · 13 posts · Server

Atrocities were committed at Auschwitz and over 20 other concentration camps. Today’s visitors taking selfies of their inane grins and gang signs is yet another committed against the memory and the descendants of those who died in those evil hellholes

#vss365 #atrocity

Last updated 1 year ago

Sara Pauff · @spauffwrites
22 followers · 9 posts · Server

"Look at this filth! Bat droppings, spiderwebs—blood on the carpet!"
A vacuum roars; the odor of bleach stings my nose. But the grandfather clock bongs only 3; not safe to leave my coffin yet.
At dusk, I face the . My house, devoid of death, branded For Sale.

#vss365 #atrocity

Last updated 1 year ago

Matt K · @mattkwrites
47 followers · 274 posts · Server


who think
is acceptable

#atrocity #vss365

Last updated 1 year ago

Voima Oy · @voimaoy
231 followers · 1510 posts · Server

Is that thunder, said the rusty spotted cat, hiding under a leaf.
Sounds like a war zone, said the fox-girl.
I'm scared Mom. The baby badgers were clinging to their mother.
It's fireworks! said the ronin. Even warriors tremble at the atrocity exhibition.

#vss365 #atrocity

Last updated 1 year ago

Stefanie Neumann · @KokopelliBFree
107 followers · 1465 posts · Server

I the sails and look at the .
It feels , scary even. But I can never in safely, otherwise.
How do we overcome hell if we don't to take the of faith?



#reef #atrocity #inconvenient #snuggle #dare #leap #vssnature #vss365 #mastoprompt #microprompt #brknshards #rise365 #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1236 followers · 631 posts · Server

Sent off drafts this week for a chapter on and , with @mirzabuljubasic and Barbora Holá.

One key point for criminologists (me included) is to reflect on challenges faced by researchers in heavily politicised and divided post-atrocity contexts, and to implement support to help them safely bring their knowledge to the world.

Due out in August.

#atrocity #criminology

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1229 followers · 594 posts · Server

Data publication

EU Cost Action CA18228 Global Atrocity Justice Constellations has published the first tranche of data on states and their interaction with international criminal justice.

Too many authors to mention! Covers 12 countries in Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe.

Open invitation to add more data - see link above.

#atrocity #criminology #law #TransitionalJustice #justice #data #eucost

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1227 followers · 592 posts · Server
Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1227 followers · 588 posts · Server

Picking up on research set aside after the pandemic started

Considering detention camps in Herzegovina under the authority of HVO between 1993 and 1994.

The starting point in an early (2018) working paper:

Still a long way to go on this one!

#bih #research #crimesagainsthumanity #warcrimes #concentrationcamps #detentioncamps #criminology #atrocity

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1227 followers · 584 posts · Server
Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1227 followers · 580 posts · Server

Iavor Rangelov & Ruti Teitel

The justice archive: transitional justice and digital memory

London Review of International Law

Looking at the implication of different trajectories of TJ archives in ExYu and Latin America in an era of difitisation and memory activism

#exyu #law #humanrights #atrocity #criminology #archive #TransitionalJustice

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1226 followers · 576 posts · Server

Ben Roberts-Smith loses defamation case with judge finding former SAS soldier committed war crimes | Ben Roberts-Smith | The Guardian

#warcrimes #atrocity #criminology

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Aydın-Aitchison · @Andy8chi
1219 followers · 533 posts · Server

It's official - now decisions on abstracts are out, in September, at the annual European Society of Criminology conference in Florence, I'll be presenting the first output of my new work with Lejla Subašić:

Atrocity and its aftermath in the films of Jasmila Žbanić

It's still work in progress, but we're hoping to have analysis of four films completed in time to present.

#bih #film #atrocity #criminology #eurocrim23

Last updated 1 year ago

| Good Morning World |

Video Offers Into And 's Past (s) | The video from NBC’s archives was shot more than a decade before Epstein 13 months in a for A

(Pimps call it on the stroll.. Basically Minor for ) What should be the Sentence for such an ?? UGH!

Epstein did not last long in prison --did he..??

DAVIDv: IS BY imho.


This alleged RAPE event occurred in the 1990’S --same time of the TRUMP with Epstein..

And How do I know its a .. Its a small world.. and those are NOT !!

They are . Only can whip their hair back and forth like they do -without breaking a Neck..


Unlike Elon Musk ;)

And btw what the CHUMP DOES NOT REALIZE IS THAT Girls do not like to be FONDLED or groped by --WHO ARE !! no less.

You see YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THESE WOMEN. ..but somehow you think your is attractive to these LADIES..

ROTFLMAO! 100% in and DELUSIONAL.. aka !

Btw if I ever see you DO THAT TO A FEMALE in my presence. YOU will be in an ambulance (FASTER THAT YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK)

--rushed to the nearest hospital for a 3 month VACA while your body guards are left picking their teeth off the concrete!

You have been !

In case you scoffed at the above.. let ME tell ya a little story you may find interesting..

I have always protected women from # DIRANGED men !

On a Ski Lodge Hill once while taking a nice breath of fresh air --I heard a BIG SMACK that ECHOED ACROSS THE Mountains.

So loud I though it would start an avalanche..

As I turn to witness a woman holding her head in agony and a man screaming at her. I knew what happen..

In an instant I was there.. I hit this guy so hard that he flew off the balcony two stories down and landed on the ski hill.. Lucky for him he landed in a pile of soft snow. Which gave this poor abused female --time to escape..

BUT .. there is in ;)


Jury finds for , accuser $5

() Says Introduced Her To At 14 Years Old (Minor)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Newly_Surfaced #Glimpse #trump #epstein #relationship #served #Florida_Jail #PROCURING #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION #breaking_out #working_girls #Pimping_Out #children #prostitution #atrocity #guilty #ASSOCIATION #Minor #questioned_under_duress #Ghislaine_Maxwell #FURTHER_QUESTIONING #TRUMPS_INVOLVEMENT #allegations #E #Jean_Carroll #PERVERT_PARTY #Congress_Girls #Business_Ladies #Porn_Stars #GONE_WILD #WE_CAN_DANCE #SEXUAL_PERVERTS #STRANGERS #fat_ass #Denile #Serious_Mental_Illness #WARNED #abusive #LIKE_YOU #listen_up #CHUMP #NO_SNOW #florida #REFERENCES #liable #sexual_abuse #awards #million #Accuser #JANE_DOE #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

| Video Offers Into And 's Past (s) | The video from NBC’s archives was shot more than a decade before Epstein 13 months in a for A .

(Pimps call it working_girls on the stroll.. Basically Minor for ) What should be the Sentence for such an ?? UGH!

Epstein did not last long in prison --did he..??

DAVIDv: IS BY imho. RECENTLY, JANE DOE ( ??!!~) FROM TRIAL NEEDS REGARDING WITH IN LIEU OF RECENT -- . --1996 RAPE CHARGES. This alleged RAPE event occurred in the 1990’S --same time of the TRUMP with Epstein.. Hello knock knock anyone home?

And How do I know its a .. Its a small world.. and those are NOT Congress_Girls!!
They are Business Girls. Only can whip their hair back and forth like they do..


Unlike Elon Musk ;)

And btw what the CHUMP DOES NOT REALIZE IS THAT Girls do not like to be FONDLED or groped by --WHO ARE !! no less.

You see YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THESE WOMEN. ..but somehow you think your is attractive to these LADIES.. ROTFLMAO! 100% in and DELUSIONAL.. aka !

Btw if I ever see you DO THAT TO A FEMALE in my presence. YOU will be in an ambulance (FASTER THAT YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK) --rushed to the nearest hospital for a 3 month VACA while your body guards are left picking their teeth off the concrete!

You have been !

In case you scoffed at the above.. let ME tell ya a little story you may find interesting.. I have always protected women from abusive men LIKE YOU! -INCLUDING MY OWN MOTHER.

On a Ski Lodge Hill once while taking a nice breath of fresh air I heard a SMACK that ECHOED ACROSS THE Mountains. So loud I though it would start an avalanche..

As I turn to witness a woman holding her head in agony and a man screaming at her. I knew what happen..

In an instant I was there.. I hit this guy so hard that he flew off the balcony two stories down and landed on the ski hill.. Lucky for him he landed in a pile of soft snow. Which gave this poor abused female --time to escape..

BUT .. there is in ;)


Jury finds for , accuser $5

() Says Introduced Her To At 14 Years Old (Minor)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Newly_Surfaced #Glimpse #trump #epstein #relationship #served #Florida_Jail #PROCURING #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION #breaking_out #Pimping_Out #children #prostitution #atrocity #guilty #ASSOCIATION #Minor #questioned_under_duress #Ghislaine_Maxwell #FURTHER_QUESTIONING #TRUMPS_INVOLVEMENT #allegations #E #Jean_Carroll #PERVERT_PARTY #Porn_Stars #GONE_WILD #WE_CAN_DANCE #SEXUAL_PERVERTS #STRANGERS #fat_ass #Denile #Serious_Mental_Illness #WARNED #listen_up #CHUMP #NO_SNOW #florida #REFERENCES #liable #sexual_abuse #awards #million #Accuser #JANE_DOE #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Newstarget
2158 followers · 20158 posts · Server

Are covid and the “vaccines” the worst genocidal atrocity in world history?

#badmedicine #badhealth #atrocity

Last updated 2 years ago

· @NaturalNews
6056 followers · 29009 posts · Server
Alexander Ruthol · @Je5usaurus_rex
265 followers · 1967 posts · Server

A video is going around of Wagner soldiers using a knife to cut off the head of a living, screaming, Ukrainian prisoner.

Do not watch it. It is very, very, bad, and you do not want that in your brain. Trust me on this.

Wagner needs to be designated a terrorist organization. It is a travesty that it hasn't been already.

#ukraine #war #russian #atrocity #pow #warcrime

Last updated 2 years ago