It really is only and the - types pushing Russia-evil, -evil narratives.

Noone seems to believe them, either.

The really interesting question is would we know so much about the Ukrainian-nazi problem if didn't happen? Maybe those had a purpose after all.

Funny how all the Punch-a-Nazi, defund the police people have forgotten those narratives and are instead push a about (and ) line.

#neocons #MICIMATT #putin #jan6 #protestors #gottaDoSomething #russia #china #gottaDoDumbThing #atrocityStories

Last updated 3 years ago
Doesn't every country in the world allow a President to be elected for a second term?

If the people think he's doing a good job they will vote him back in, otherwise not.

Watch the and grow. The and hate that he's letting people try a form of .

To be honest, it looks like an implementation that is totally non-free and surveilled by Cloudflare, though. Yuk.

#dictator #atrocityStories #worldbank #imf #bitcoin

Last updated 3 years ago

"(…) women and children (…)"

"(…) and is definately not propaganda or scripted that are designed to keep the gravyTrain steaming ahead for the ."

It's unanimous – we gotta *do something*.

#atrocityStories #MICIMATT #famousLastWordsForAProgressive #weGottaDoSomething #butWeNeedToDoSomething

Last updated 3 years ago

There is a pop/rap song called '' in which the artist sings about being dumber than a fifth grader.

Playing just loudly enough during the they call "news" does wonders for your soul, combine it with for maximum benefit.


If there's an interest we may even publish a you can enjoy.

#dumb #music #corporatePropaganda #exercise #playlist #forcedNews #dogWhistles #fakenews #afghanistan #atrocityStories #whereHaveAllTheRealJournalistsGone #FreeJournalistAssange #craigmurray #journalism

Last updated 3 years ago

Remember the about the "babies thrown from the incubators onto the cold hard floor"? The questionable terror attacks that got us into under tenuous grounds in the first place given 's involvement. Remember the , , remember how we killed under false pretenses for trying to create an ? Remember ?

We are going to run out of characters – you get the picture.

Stay out.

#atrocityStories #afghanistan #saudiarabia #WMDs #russiagate #Gaddafi #african #currency #shamuary6 #weDontGottaDoSomething

Last updated 3 years ago

Remember the about the "babies thrown from the incubators onto the cold hard floor", the questionable terror attacks that got us into under somewhat tenuous grounds in the first place given involvement, remember the , remember , remember how we killed under false pretenses for trying to create an , remember ?

We are going to run out of character but hope you get the picture.

Stay out.

#african #currency #atrocityStories #afghanistan #saudiarabia #WMDs #russiagate #Gaddafi #shamuary6

Last updated 3 years ago

The middle east was becoming as progressive as the rest, then on Sun Aug 15, 1971 said, and we paraphrase, "we don't want to pay our debts that we accrue in (specifically ), may the ."

They printed money to pay debts.

It was supposed to be temporary.

Keep this in mind as the "" come forth from . These cretins have money to burn in your face, and blow it up your own ass.

#nixon #phonyWars #vietnam #moneyPrinterGoBrr #atrocityStories #afghanistan #plunder #dedevelopment #homeToRoost

Last updated 3 years ago

Thanks, sounds like an atrocityStory. If even true in entirety, there are atrocities everywhere including in our own country, and perpetrated by us abroad.

are famous for drumming up "" proven false or misleading for decades. See the lecture.

If true and these people want to kill each other and themselves, there's not anything an outsider can do anyway.

Oh wait - stop to them and their proxies might be a good start.

#nytimes #atrocityStories #MichaelParenti #weaponssales

Last updated 4 years ago