Think the red planet is dead inside?
Surprise! Think again!
Unversity of Arizona researchers
@UArizonaLPL@twitter have uncovered the presence of an enormous mantle plume
pushing the surface of Mars upward and driving intense volcanic and seismic activity on present day #Mars.
#atronomy #planetaryscience #geoscience #geology #astrogeology #Scienceeducation #scicomm #lifelonglearning
#mars #atronomy #planetaryscience #geoscience #geology #astrogeology #scienceeducation #scicomm #lifelonglearning
APOD: 2022 November 24 - Lynds Dark Nebula 1251
The Orion spacecraft is providing us with stunning images like this one. Say hello to the far side of the #Moon - a side we aren't able to see due to the tidal locking of the Moon. This means the Moon orbits our planet with the same period as it spins around its own axis of rotation, so we can only see one face.
Image credit: NASA, Orion spacecraft
#moon #Astrodon #atronomy #artemis