"Wenn Eltern ihre Kinder prägen wollen, wenn sie wollen, dass sie ihnen folgen, loyal sind und zu ihnen aufschauen, brauchen sie die Bindung." Sie reden von "sicherer Bindung", aber sie meinen Kontrolle – zuerst des Kindes, aber letztlich auch der Mutter.
#attachmentParenting ist mMn eine der reaktionärsten Erziehungsstile überhaupt. "Urfamilie", "natürliche Mutterschaft", "artgerecht"(!) – es sind autoritär-patriarchalische Ansichten im hippen Eso-Gewand.
Kinder begleiten - der tägliche Ritt auf der Bananenschale.
#kinderhaben #lebenmitkindern #thestruggleisreal #attachmentparenting
#kinderhaben #lebenmitkindern #thestruggleisreal #attachmentparenting
Finally made the time to read the first chapter of @noraimlau‘s book #dubistandersdubistgut which I got from our local library.
I am so thankful for Nora‘s entire work in the realm of #parenting and her support of the #trans community.
#dubistandersdubistgut #parenting #trans #attachmentparenting
These two! 😍 Zoe raced in to snuggle Jake the second he woke up from his nap. 🥰
#wholesome #attachment #siblingattachment #buildingattachments #attachement #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #wecouldhavemissedthis #adoptionbuiltus #wearefamily #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #family #famille #familia #familie #adoption #adoptionuk #adoptivesiblings #adoptivefamily #siblingsthroughadoption #siblingsbyadoption #siblingbesties #adoptionislove #adoptionafterbirth
#wholesome #attachment #siblingattachment #buildingattachments #attachement #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #wecouldhavemissedthis #adoptionbuiltus #wearefamily #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #family #famille #familia #familie #adoption #adoptionuk #adoptivesiblings #adoptivefamily #siblingsthroughadoption #siblingsbyadoption #siblingbesties #adoptionislove #adoptionafterbirth
Zoe wrote this note to her little brother 🥰
#wholesome #attachment #buildingattachments #attachement #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #love #wecouldhavemissedthis #adoptionbuiltus #wearefamily #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #family #famille #familia #familie #wirsindfamilie #adoption #adoptionuk #adoptivesiblings #adoptivefamily #siblingsthroughadoption #siblingsbyadoption #siblingbesties #besties #adoptionislove #adoptionafterbirth #adoptionafterabiologicalchild
#wholesome #attachment #buildingattachments #attachement #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #love #wecouldhavemissedthis #adoptionbuiltus #wearefamily #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #family #famille #familia #familie #wirsindfamilie #adoption #adoptionuk #adoptivesiblings #adoptivefamily #siblingsthroughadoption #siblingsbyadoption #siblingbesties #besties #adoptionislove #adoptionafterbirth #adoptionafterabiologicalchild
My sister took these photos when Zozo came home from their sleepover. I'm loving hearing about the fun they had, but we sure did miss our amazing girl 🥰
#family #wearefamily #famille #noussommesfamille #familie #wirsindfamilie #familia #attachment #attachement #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #love #wecouldhavemissedthis #adoptionbuiltus #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #adoption #adoptionuk #adoptivefamily #siblingbesties #besties #aunt #auntie #niece
#family #wearefamily #famille #noussommesfamille #familie #wirsindfamilie #familia #attachment #attachement #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #love #wecouldhavemissedthis #adoptionbuiltus #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #adoption #adoptionuk #adoptivefamily #siblingbesties #besties #aunt #auntie #niece
Little dude was missing his big #sister while she's at a sleepover with their #auntie, so Zoe made him a card and sent us a video talking about how the picture is of the pair of them because they love each other. He's so excited to get that card tomorrow ❤️
#wholesome #attachment #buildingattachments #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #love #adoptionbuiltus #wearefamily #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #family #adoption #siblingadoption #adoptionuk #siblingbesties
#sister #auntie #wholesome #attachment #buildingattachments #attachmentparenting #siblingbond #siblinggoals #love #adoptionbuiltus #wearefamily #thisisus #livingourbestlives #lovemakesafamily #family #adoption #siblingadoption #adoptionuk #siblingbesties
"Das Geheimnis zufriedener Babys" von Nora Imlau fasst undogmatisch und ohne zu predigen zusammen, was heute „bedürfnisorientierte Elternschaft“ oder neudeutsch „Attachment parenting“ genannt wird.
#NoraImlau #GUVerlag #AttachmentParenting #bedürfnisorientiert #babyratgeber #erziehungsratgeber #buchblog #familienblog #elternblog #mamablog #rezension #buchbesprechung
#noraimlau #guverlag #attachmentparenting #bedurfnisorientiert #babyratgeber #erziehungsratgeber #buchblog #familienblog #elternblog #mamablog #rezension #buchbesprechung
#lactationeducation #breastfeeding #nursing #bodyfeeding #newparents #newbaby #birthrights #homebirth #informedchoice #ibclc #doulalife #attachmentparenting #parenting #gentleparenting #slowbirth #logicallactation #slowparenting
#breastfeeding #nursing #bodyfeeding #newparents #newbaby #birthrights #homebirth #informedchoice #ibclc #doulalife #attachmentparenting #parenting #gentleparenting #slowbirth #logicallactation #slowparenting #lactationeducation
Schöner Kommentar von #HerbertRenzPolster zu #AttachmentParenting:
Ja, ich weiß: Man braucht einen Begriff, um sich zu verorten. Aber bei Attachment Parenting scheint mir eher das Gegenteil der Fall zu sein – komplette Verwirrung. Bei hundert Leuten, die man auf der…
#HerbertRenzPolster #attachmentparenting
Wie der Trugschluss der Selbstaufopferung junge Mütter in den Wahnsinn treibt #AttachmentParenting http://bit.ly/2FAsjkz #Archiv