Ha, awesome! Found my name in the credits for #AttackOfTheDoc as a #Kickstarter backer. #AttackOfTheShow #G4TV #TechTV #ZDTV
#attackofthedoc #kickstarter #attackoftheshow #g4tv #techtv #zdtv
The documentary is so good! Bravo, Chris Gore. I miss #G4TV #AttackOfTheShow
Awesome! "Attack of the Doc!" is out! This is going to take me back to grad school and when I first moved to Michigan. I loved #AttackOfTheShow and watched it daily. I even made it onto their on-air chat a few times, and got a shout-out from Kevin when I made the "Pereira Waffle Pyramid" Tumblr site. Those were the days! #G4 #G4TV
Here’s my pre-bedtime rambling for tn:
I miss #G4. Idk if any of you here grew up with it or caught the revival, but saying goodbye to G4 twice was such a pain. I miss the shenaningans and looking forward to #AttackOfTheShow on Thursdays. We couldn’t even get a full proper year of G4 😔
Anyways, just me being melancholic. Pay me no mind. Gnight, #Masties