Global News BC: Coquitlam RCMP investigate ‘attempted murder’ at Brookmere Park #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BrookmereParkaltercation #coquitlamattemptedmurder #BrookmereParkincident #CoquitlamRCMPSaturday #CoquitlamIncident #AttemptedMurder #Coquitlamcrime #BrookmerePark #CoquitlamRCMP #Coquitlam #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #brookmereparkaltercation #coquitlamattemptedmurder #brookmereparkincident #coquitlamrcmpsaturday #coquitlamincident #attemptedmurder #Coquitlamcrime #brookmerepark #CoquitlamRCMP #Coquitlam #crime
Gunshots echo near
Memphis Jewish school, attempt
To enter denied
#memphis #jewishschool #gunviolence #attemptedmurder #haiku #poetry
#memphis #jewishschool #gunviolence #attemptedmurder #haiku #poetry
Global News BC: Man stabbed multiple times in Campbell River, 2 police officers injured during arrest #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #manstabbedmultipletimes #policeofficersinjured #campbellriverRCMP #AttemptedMurder #ResistingArrest #VancouverIsland #CampbellRiver #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #manstabbedmultipletimes #policeofficersinjured #campbellriverRCMP #attemptedmurder #resistingarrest #vancouverisland #campbellriver #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: Calgary man charged with attempted murder in Surrey, B.C. shooting #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Surreyshootingcharges #19-year-oldcharged #Calgarymancharged #AkochPiotcharges #AttemptedMurder #Surreyshooting #Surreycharges #Surreycrime #AkochPiot #GunCrime #Shooting #Calgary #Surrey #Crime #Arson
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #surreyshootingcharges #calgarymancharged #akochpiotcharges #attemptedmurder #Surreyshooting #surreycharges #Surreycrime #akochpiot #guncrime #shooting #calgary #surrey #crime #arson
Palestine: Kafr Tholth, Qalqylia describes the Israeli settler attack on his village last night that he barely survived.
#apartheid #settlercolonialism #attemptedmurder #terrorism #theft #israel #palestine
#apartheid #SettlerColonialism #attemptedmurder #terrorism #theft #israel #palestine
#Capitolrioter who violated #attemptedmurder bond to go to DC on #January6, 2021 sentenced to 38 months for assaulting cops
#capitolrioter #attemptedmurder #january6
Global News BC: Crown seeks 18-year sentence for woman who tried to kill rival in B.C. courtroom #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #courtroomattemptedmurder #courtroomattacksentence #catherineshensentence #courtattemptedmurder #B.C.SupremeCourt #courtroomassault #AttemptedMurder #CourtroomAttack #CatherineShen #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #courtroomattemptedmurder #courtroomattacksentence #catherineshensentence #courtattemptedmurder #b #courtroomassault #attemptedmurder #courtroomattack #catherineshen #crime
Global News BC: Arson, attempted murder charges laid in ‘intentionally set’ Coquitlam fire #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #coquitlamattemptedmurder #intentionallyset #AttemptedMurder #residentialfire #Coquitlamarson #CoquitlamRCMP #williampye #Coquitlam #HouseFire #Crime #Arson
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #coquitlamattemptedmurder #intentionallyset #attemptedmurder #residentialfire #coquitlamarson #CoquitlamRCMP #williampye #Coquitlam #housefire #crime #arson
At a school
Pain and fear
Weapons revealed
#violence #school #attemptedmurder #assault #terror #cinquain #poetry
#violence #school #attemptedmurder #assault #terror #cinquain #poetry
by #SamanthaMichaels in #MotherJones:
"Leaked online in November by Mississippi-based activist Marquell Bridges, the audio captures a private conversation that the chief had in the days after the shooting. It suggests that he knew the Cases had a history of gun violence—and that even so, the police held off arresting them until they eventually turned themselves in. Gibson said at the time that the delay could have allowed the pair to hide evidence like the gun, which was reportedly never recovered."
#Brookhaven #Mississippi #FedEx #racism #AttemptedMurder #GunViolence #GrandJury #police #DMonterrioGibson #GregoryCase #MarquellBridges
#samanthamichaels #motherjones #brookhaven #mississippi #FedEx #racism #attemptedmurder #grandjury #police #dmonterriogibson #gregorycase #marquellbridges #gunviolence
Drive to seize control
Nazi admiration
Attempted murder, chaos
#whitehouse #biden #security #attemptedmurder #cinquain #poetry
#whitehouse #biden #security #attemptedmurder #cinquain #poetry
Global News BC: Suspect charged with attempted murder in connection with Surrey, B.C. bus throat slashing #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #metrovancouvertransitpolice #CoastMountainBusCompany #Surreybusstabbing #AttemptedMurder #Manstabbedonbus #Surreystabbing #ThroatSlashed #Transitpolice #busstabbing #KnifeAttack #SurreyRCMP #Surreybus #NewsHour #Surrey #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #metrovancouvertransitpolice #coastmountainbuscompany #surreybusstabbing #attemptedmurder #manstabbedonbus #Surreystabbing #throatslashed #transitpolice #busstabbing #knifeattack #SurreyRCMP #surreybus #newshour #surrey #crime
#TodThawley #YasmineBleeth #AlexandraPaul
Season 7 Episode 4 "Windswept"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch #Windswept #BaywatchBabes #BaywatchStuds #Hockey #Romance #Flirtation #AttemptedMurder
#TodThawley #YasmineBleeth #AlexandraPaul #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #baywatch #windswept #BaywatchBabes #BaywatchStuds #hockey #romance #flirtation #attemptedmurder
Global News BC: B.C. man arrested for attempted murder after dropping off injured woman at hospital #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KootenayBoundaryRegionalHospital #southerninterior #AttemptedMurder #GunshotWound #BCInterior #Kootenays #TrailRCMP #Shooting #Crime #trail
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kootenayboundaryregionalhospital #southerninterior #attemptedmurder #gunshotwound #BCInterior #Kootenays #trailrcmp #shooting #crime #trail
"#SWAT Team Shoots My Innocent Sleeping Client"
#policeBrutality #ACAB #JacksonCounty #WestVirginia #attemptedMurder #police #FTP
#swat #policebrutality #acab #jacksoncounty #westvirginia #attemptedmurder #police #ftp
What happened here was not an accident, it was intentional. Don't call cops for a mental health crisis, ever.
#MentalHealthCrisis #Cops #AttemptedMurder #Murder #InstitutionalFascism
#mentalhealthcrisis #cops #attemptedmurder #murder #institutionalfascism
A few years ago, I was out for a stroll and saw an SUV parked on the sidewalk. The sidewalk was banked on both sides by snow. The SUV had been driven half a block up the sidewalk and was completely blocking the way. I took out my phone to photograph the license plates, and then the driver gunned the engine and sped toward me. I had to leap into the snowbank to avoid being run over. The police didn’t care. #AbolishThePolice #Kitchener #AttemptedMurder #assault
#abolishthepolice #Kitchener #attemptedmurder #assault
Video Bossip
Un anziano dottore ha ritrovato l'amore ma non si è reso conto che il suo compagno di vita voleva amarlo da morire.
In Wisconsin, una donna è accusata di tentato omicidio dopo aver aggiunto al caffè del marito veterinario farmaci per l'eutanasia animale.
Secondo Fox6, la cin...
#07Gennaio #Crime #News #attemptedmurder #doctorpoisoned
#doctorpoisoned #attemptedmurder #news #crime #07gennaio