#AttemptedVacation last day, 645 am. All the laundry is folded and the plan is to clean up the kitchen today. Productivity and Sunday Scary weasels in full effect already. I find it very annoying that I am like this. Trying to figure out the best way to enjoy the now rather than stress the tomorrow.
#AttemptedVacation #HalfPanHerbGarden update, 5.30am, day 3: planted French radishes in the maldon salt bucket with visions of what I hope to manifest later. Bring on the radish and #butter sandwiches. #gardening
#attemptedvacation #halfpanherbgarden #butter #gardening
It's not great but #insomnia is not as bad when you don't have an agenda to manage. You can just accept the moment and then sleep again when you can. #AttemptedVacation
It's early Tuesday and I have a case of #SundayScaries brewing. I don't think I will make it 48 hours without #BakingTherapy because I know the smell of apples baking will help. I really am terrible at managing a #BakersDayOff #AttemptedVacation
#sundayscaries #bakingtherapy #bakersdayoff #attemptedvacation
Any day the ironing board comes out is an exciting cat day. #AttemptedVacation
I have already had to tell off the #BrainWeasel during this #AttemptedVacation for #productivity propaganda. I put myself down for a nap yesterday and woke up at 9 pm. Obviously I needed the sleep but my brain wanted me to know I was already "doing it wrong!" This is why I need to change things in my life. Also yes, I know it's 4 am. Not quite on vacation time yet, ha!
#brainweasel #attemptedvacation #productivity
#AttemptedVacation the human was surprised by my early (again, "only" 8 hours) appearance. The cats, of course, are not. Obviously I have arrived here to open shut doors, feed them and provide a lap. I suspect they will be my greatest ally in my quest to laze. My brain is already considering a path to soap whittling.
#AttemptedVacation For clarification, I am a human who truly loves the work I do and also has workaholic leanings. No one has actively stopped me from taking a break, but in the face of the pandowdy no one has been really pushing me to do it. So here I am, staring down the week and attempting to hold myself accountable and rest. My assistant gave me 48 hours before I am baking at home. I thanked her for the optimism. #NoRestForBakers
#attemptedvacation #norestforbakers
#AttemptedVacation part 1, the first ten minutes: I have arrived at home after only (!) working 8 hours to begin my longest time off period since starting this job 5 years ago. I am off three days plus my normal weekend, for a total of 5 days. I realize that I have brought my dirty kitchen apron home, like some perverse security blanket. Going to be a long week, everybody.