The national news, sadly, is not as informational as much as sensational, USA Today really takes the cake. When I searched their thumbnails for reporting on the fires in Maui are older pictures of the Big Island volcano eruption!?!
Proofreading is important. Luckily have enough adapters to not need to go out to purchase anything.
#fail #proofread #attentionToDetail #ProAudio
#proaudio #attentionToDetail #proofread #fail
^^^ The above is also why you will often see #artistsImpressions of crumby new #highRise developments draped in #greenery, and deep #blueSkys. Those colours scientifically relax the viewer and the #attentionToDetail often innoculates against justifiable outrage as it relates to #overdevelopment.
(See also '#EyeMovement' as it relates to '#RestorativeEnvironments')
#publicHealth #colour #color #propertyDevelopers #propertyDevelopment #analogousColours #analogousColors #hypnosis #bigProperty
#artistsImpressions #highrise #greenery #blueSkys #attentionToDetail #overdevelopment #EyeMovement #restorativeEnvironments #publichealth #colour #color #propertyDevelopers #propertyDevelopment #analogousColours #analogousColors #hypnosis #bigProperty