How I’m Re-Training My Shrinking #AttentionSpan
#Facebook now interrupts every video after about two seconds with a 'swipe to see more' notice (i.e. swipe to watch some other random video).
I hate what this says about them, and us, and now.
#SocialMedia #attentionSpan #attentionEconomy #swipe #scroll #squirrel
#Facebook #SocialMedia #attentionspan #attentioneconomy #swipe #scroll #squirrel
How to train your #brain to increase your #attentionspan
Search engines hooking up AI chatbots, and chatbots giving bullshit answers, are not the problem. They're just symptoms of the real problem:
People hate reading.
People have shitty attention spans, and they hate reading stuff.
There is no technological fix for this.
#AI #chatbots #SearchEngines #reading #AttentionSpan #ChatGPT #GoogleBard #Bing
#ai #chatbots #searchengines #reading #attentionspan #chatgpt #googlebard #bing
Trying to determine whether I am living through a near-constant DDOS attack on my mind, or of my mind has too many tabs open. Could be both, but one intention for 2023 is that any of the above situations ends for me. #attentionDeficit #attentionSpan
#attentiondeficit #attentionspan
If you don't have the #attentionspan to read the entire article at least view the photo. My kid made it!
#attentionspan #wsj #proudmama #digitaldistraction
An interesting new way of viewing our relationship with "flow", attention and the role of internet and social distraction on concentration
#AttentionSpan #ADHD
In #2023 I plan to reverse both the trajectories of my silhouette and my #attentionspan.
🥚 and 🍅 figure prominently in both scenarios (diet, timers)
The average attention span is just 8 seconds. To capture attention on #websites, use clear messaging, engaging #visuals, and intuitive navigation with good web design. #webdesign #usability #userexperience #attentionspan #digitalmarketing #SEOStrategy #SEO #SEOtools
#websites #visuals #webdesign #usability #userexperience #attentionspan #digitalmarketing #seostrategy #seo #seotools
So glad for the partial return of what's left of my algorithmically infected attention span, I just want to say...OH LOOK, A SQUIRREL 🐿️!...what the fuck was I saying?
There are definitely issues with being able to focus and concentrate, but did our “attention span” really dropped to only 8 seconds? It didn’t, and it’s a meaningless as a metric: #focus #concentration #attentionspan
#attentionspan #concentration #focus
> The #Yemen crisis is old. It’s been seven years. And we have seen, time and again, how the media loses interest and has to move on to the next thing. So there’s an #AttentionSpan issue.. And..the inherent racism that we see and that we’ve seen on such grotesque display by the #WesternMedia, talking about the white and blue-eyed, blond-haired #Ukrainians who are somehow different. Their #refugee status.. Their #suffering is different.
#war #StatelessPeople
#StatelessPeople #war #suffering #refugee #ukrainians #westernmedia #attentionspan #yemen