ACK1 Makes Getting to Know the ATtiny1616 Easy - Many readers will be familiar with Microchip’s ATtiny85, which has been a popular ... - #diyelectronics #attinyhacks #attiny1616 #attiny
#attiny #attiny1616 #attinyhacks #diyelectronics
A driver for an ST7735 colour TFT display running on an #AVR #ATtiny microcontroller. What's great about mine is that I can read values back from the display, by putting the SPI controller into hiZ output to read the bizarre half-duplex IO mode this display chip uses.
(The actual colours on the display look much nicer to the eye than my phone camera can pick up)
Time for a little bit of outdoor testing, the setup is:
* ATTiny45 on its own board, it has a small capacitor on the power line
* A second board (yellow) with a diode and underneath is a large capacitor (10V 15000uF)
* A cheapy solar panel
The #attiny is running simple code that measures the internal voltage, it flashes the led depending on the voltage, any code delays are actually deep sleep using the TinySnore library.
Seems to be working pretty well, outdoors: 4V, indoors: 2.8V
Sorry that I haven’t updated for a while, been on holiday/vacation with family!
Plans for next week:
1. Build a development board for #attiny #microcontroller so I can work on my simple low powered #solar powered switches.
2. Finally wire up my small scale #Agrivoltaics experiment- since harvesting my potatoes a week ago I now have some open space in my garden.
#attiny #microcontroller #solar #Agrivoltaics #projectupdate #arduino
#Arduino on a tiny chip #attiny
Do it youself
Making a tiny UPDI-HV programmer for microcontrollers #ATtiny #UDPI @technoblogy @MicrochipMakes
Qualche mese fa è scoppiato uno scandalo nel mondo degli scacchi che ha portato ad alcune speculazioni piuttosto assurde su uno specifico giocatore di scacchi. Non entreremo nei dettagli se non per dire che non c'è praticamente alcuna prova fisica di alcun metodo che questo giocatore avrebbe utilizz...
#01Febbraio #Games #WearableHacks #attiny #bluetooth
#bluetooth #attiny #wearablehacks #games #01febbraio
Electronic Shoe Explores Alleged Chess Misbehavior - A few months ago, a scandal erupted in the chess world which led to some pretty wi... - #wearablehacks #bluetooth #cheating #attiny #insole #games #chess #shoe #sole
#sole #shoe #chess #games #insole #attiny #cheating #bluetooth #wearablehacks
Electronic Shoe Explores Alleged Chess Misbehavior #WearableHacks #bluetooth #CHEATING #attiny #insole #Games #chess #shoe #sole
#wearablehacks #bluetooth #cheating #attiny #insole #Games #chess #shoe #sole
This is a simple High-Voltage UPDI programmer, for programming 0-series, 1-series, and 2-series #ATtiny chips to allow you to configure the UPDI pin as a extra general I/O pin #microcontrollers
@Alexis_Krier Here’s the code for #attiny #neopixel
Making TV-B Gone coin. Any ideas on SOIC8 clip on programmer for AT Tiny ? Otherwise it will be an enamel wire job.
Neat. I always liked ATTInys ever since I was able to shrink Arduino projects down to them. And I enjoy seeing them pop up in many retro computing projects. - Swap the Clock Chip on the Mac SE/30 with an ATTiny85
Lisp Runs This Microcontroller Pendant #microcontroller #SoftwareHacks #interpreter #attiny3227 #wearable #pendant #attiny #Atmel #ulisp #lisp #star
#microcontroller #SoftwareHacks #interpreter #attiny3227 #wearable #pendant #attiny #atmel #ulisp #lisp #star
Lisp Runs This Microcontroller Pendant - As a programming language, Lisp has been around longer than any other active langu... - #microcontroller #softwarehacks #interpreter #attiny3227 #wearable #pendant #attiny #atmel #ulisp #lisp #star
#star #lisp #ulisp #atmel #attiny #pendant #wearable #attiny3227 #interpreter #softwarehacks #microcontroller
A star-shaped pendant powered by an #ATtiny 3227 that you can program in #Lisp to make its six coloured LEDs twinkle in different patterns...
Come Learn About New ATtiny Generations #chipoftheweek #ATtinyHacks #comparison #how-to #attiny #Atmel #parts
#chipoftheweek #ATtinyHacks #comparison #how #attiny #atmel #Parts
Come Learn About New ATtiny Generations - As the chip shortage hit, a lot of the familiar ATtiny chips have become unavailab... - #chipoftheweek #attinyhacks #comparison #how-to #attiny #atmel #parts
#parts #atmel #attiny #how #comparison #attinyhacks #chipoftheweek