Playing around with my #attiny84, writing my own hardware abstraction layer, which should be cool enough that the drivers I wrote for #stm32 and #rp2040 should work (meh, kinda). They're much faster than the Arduino libs, of course.
avr-gcc on #Debian Stable (and testing as well) is on version 5.4.0 from 2015. Out of curiosity. I see #FreeBSD is on version 11.2.0. Hmmm, does nobody program AVRs on Debian? Arch Linux is on 12.2.0.
#attiny84 #stm32 #rp2040 #debian #freebsd
Got ,y #attiny84 chips through the post, so I'm keen to have a play with them. Got a blinky light going, so so far so good.
Got ,y #attiny84 chips through the post, so I'm keen to have a play with them. Got a blinky light going, so so far so good.
Hunt the Lunpus is an ATtiny-Based Minimalist Game Console
#sevensegmentLED #adventuregame #huntthewumpus #attiny84 #Games
#sevensegmentLED #adventuregame #huntthewumpus #attiny84 #games