#GGtag - programmierbarer 3.5" ePaper-basierter Badge mit #RFID
...ganz interessant ist dabei die Übertragung von Daten per Sound mit der #ggwave Bibliothek und die Emulierung eines #RFID-Tags mit einem #ATtiny85. #avrfid gibt's schon 13 Jahre, aber trzd nice!
#ggtag #rfid #ggwave #attiny85 #avrfid
Nokia N-Gage QD Becomes Universal Bluetooth Gamepad https://hackaday.com/2023/05/26/nokia-n-gage-qd-becomes-universal-bluetooth-gamepad/ #CellphoneHacks #WirelessHacks #bluetooth #attiny85 #gamepad #N-Gage #Games #HC-06 #nokia
#CellphoneHacks #WirelessHacks #bluetooth #attiny85 #gamepad #n #Games #hc #nokia
Nokia N-Gage QD Becomes Universal Bluetooth Gamepad - The Nokia N-Gage might not have put up much of a fight against Nintendo’s handheld... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/26/nokia-n-gage-qd-becomes-universal-bluetooth-gamepad/ #cellphonehacks #wirelesshacks #bluetooth #attiny85 #gamepad #n-gage #games #hc-06 #nokia
#nokia #hc #games #n #gamepad #attiny85 #bluetooth #wirelesshacks #cellphonehacks
Oh my... The mailman was kind. Very shortly after sending the post above my new #Attiny85 chips landed in the mailbox.
While waiting I also added some LEDs to my new #Arduino programmer, and evening seems to be working alright. Need to wait to do some proper testing/playing though.
(Video marked sensitive because of blinking lights.)
Have finally managed to get ahold of some #Attiny85 chips, so time for some small size projects!
While I'm waiting for them to arrive I need to prep a programmer though. I had an #Arduino Nano Every (only slightly broken) laying unused, so hopefully this will work alright.
#soldering #diy #arduino #attiny85
How to program #ATTiny85 with Arduino Uno (part 2) https://42bots.com/tutorials/how-to-program-attiny85-with-arduino-uno-part-2/
Annoying Cicada Magnet Is Nonetheless Authentic https://hackaday.com/2023/03/18/annoying-cicada-magnet-is-nonetheless-authentic/ #annoyingnoise #MiscHacks #mp3module #attiny85 #cicada #mp3
#annoyingnoise #MiscHacks #mp3module #attiny85 #cicada #mp3
Compact Mouse Jiggler Keeps Boss Off Your Back https://hackaday.com/2023/03/18/compact-mouse-jiggler-keeps-boss-off-your-back/ #PeripheralsHacks #mousejiggler #ATtinyHacks #attiny85 #mouse #maus
#PeripheralsHacks #mousejiggler #ATtinyHacks #attiny85 #mouse #maus
Compact Mouse Jiggler Keeps Boss Off Your Back - The work-from-home revolution enabled many workers to break free from the shackles... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/18/compact-mouse-jiggler-keeps-boss-off-your-back/ #peripheralshacks #mousejiggler #attinyhacks #attiny85 #mouse #maus
#maus #mouse #attiny85 #attinyhacks #mousejiggler #peripheralshacks
Low Power Challenge: LCD Solar Creatures Live on Sunlight, Sleep at Night https://hackaday.com/2023/03/13/low-power-challenge-lcd-solar-creatures-live-on-sunlight-sleep-at-night/ #gameoflife #MiscHacks #attiny85 #lcd
#gameoflife #MiscHacks #attiny85 #lcd
Low Power Challenge: LCD Solar Creatures Live on Sunlight, Sleep at Night - With all those e-paper based projects doing the rounds these days, including in ou... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/13/low-power-challenge-lcd-solar-creatures-live-on-sunlight-sleep-at-night/ #gameoflife #mischacks #attiny85 #lcd
#lcd #attiny85 #mischacks #gameoflife
ATtiny85 Automates Your Smartphone https://hackaday.com/2023/03/02/attiny85-automates-your-smartphone/ #smartphonehacking #ATtinyHacks #PhoneHacks #attiny85 #tiny85 #VUSB
#smartphonehacking #ATtinyHacks #PhoneHacks #attiny85 #tiny85 #vusb
ATtiny85 Automates Your Smartphone - It might not seem too impressive these days, but when microcontrollers with hardwa... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/02/attiny85-automates-your-smartphone/ #smartphonehacking #attinyhacks #phonehacks #attiny85 #tiny85 #vusb
#vusb #tiny85 #attiny85 #phonehacks #attinyhacks #smartphonehacking
I decided I wanted to make a "clapperboard" to help synchronise video and audio. Gotta admit, the #arduino IDE, despite its faults, enables one to easily slap something together without fuss.
Used an #attiny85 which can be fun little chips to work with, despite their limitations.
Been working on a new Gameboy Macro build, I found some super tiny Ws2812 led strip and found that they fit in my hollow hinge bar defuser I had made for another build. It does screen switching and has usb c charging. The Ws2812 strip is controlled by a attiny85 #Nintendo #gameboymacro #ws2812 #arduino #attiny85
#nintendo #GameBoyMacro #ws2812 #arduino #attiny85
das softwareproblem ist auch gelöst: ich hatte noch #attiny85 rumliegen und i2c lcddisplays. jetzt kann ich einen usb-stöpsel bauen, der ein solches lcd integriert und auf dem ein attiny sitzt, der die kommunikation übernimmt - dann kann man botschaften auf die dadurch emulierte serielle schnittstelle senden und die werden dann auf dem lcd angezeigt. man könnte noch allerhand andere lustige dinge tun - etwa temperaturen oder ähnliches durch pseudozeichen mit einem bargraph anzeigen oder so ...
Swap the Clock Chip on the Mac SE/30 with an ATTiny85 https://hackaday.com/2023/01/13/swap-the-clock-chip-on-the-mac-se-30-with-an-attiny85/ #Retrocomputing #MacintoshSE/30 #ATtinyHacks #customPCB #MacHacks #attiny85 #drop-in #rtc
#Retrocomputing #macintoshse #ATtinyHacks #custompcb #MacHacks #attiny85 #drop #rtc
Swap the Clock Chip on the Mac SE/30 with an ATTiny85 - As [Phil Greenland] explains in the first part of his excellent write-up, the lith... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/13/swap-the-clock-chip-on-the-mac-se-30-with-an-attiny85/ #retrocomputing #macintoshse/30 #attinyhacks #custompcb #machacks #attiny85 #drop-in #rtc
#rtc #drop #attiny85 #machacks #custompcb #attinyhacks #macintoshse #retrocomputing
#micronucleus #attiny85 #digispark ... useful ... e.g. as #ISP / #ICSP programmer for other AVRs, USB-#I2C adapter, keyboard, mouse, ...
(...and I definitely need the 100 hrs day, but Santarella ignores that wish already for decades.)
#micronucleus #attiny85 #digispark #isp #icsp #i2c