ACK1 Makes Getting to Know the ATtiny1616 Easy - Many readers will be familiar with Microchip’s ATtiny85, which has been a popular ... - #diyelectronics #attinyhacks #attiny1616 #attiny
#attiny #attiny1616 #attinyhacks #diyelectronics
Building an Energy Sword Replica From Halo - A good many of us whiled away the hours of our youths playing Swords Only deathmat... - #gamingreplica #attinyhacks #energysword #plasmasword #replica #gaming #games #halo2 #halo
#halo #halo2 #games #gaming #replica #plasmasword #energysword #attinyhacks #gamingreplica
Compact Mouse Jiggler Keeps Boss Off Your Back - The work-from-home revolution enabled many workers to break free from the shackles... - #peripheralshacks #mousejiggler #attinyhacks #attiny85 #mouse #maus
#maus #mouse #attiny85 #attinyhacks #mousejiggler #peripheralshacks
Help! I can't stop buying random microcontrollers and tinker stuff and then not do anything with it because I'm not creative enough or don't actually have the time for it. What do I do?
#esp32 #attinyhacks #arduino
ATtiny85 Automates Your Smartphone - It might not seem too impressive these days, but when microcontrollers with hardwa... - #smartphonehacking #attinyhacks #phonehacks #attiny85 #tiny85 #vusb
#vusb #tiny85 #attiny85 #phonehacks #attinyhacks #smartphonehacking
Blinky Business Card Plays Snake and Connect Four - There’s no better way to introduce yourself than handing over a blinky PCB busines... - #flexibleprintedcircuitboard #printedcircuitboard #attinyhacks #hardware #flexible #battery #flashy #board #led #pcb
#pcb #led #board #flashy #battery #flexible #hardware #attinyhacks #printedcircuitboard #flexibleprintedcircuitboard
Swap the Clock Chip on the Mac SE/30 with an ATTiny85 - As [Phil Greenland] explains in the first part of his excellent write-up, the lith... - #retrocomputing #macintoshse/30 #attinyhacks #custompcb #machacks #attiny85 #drop-in #rtc
#rtc #drop #attiny85 #machacks #custompcb #attinyhacks #macintoshse #retrocomputing
Dead Washer Lives Again with ATTiny - We aren’t saying that appliances are a scam, but we have noticed that when your ap... - #attinyhacks #repairhacks #appliance #atmega88 #repair #i2c
#i2c #repair #atmega88 #appliance #repairhacks #attinyhacks
Using I²C Sensors with any Linux via USB and IIO - Hooking up I2C sensors is something which is generally associated with microcontro... - #softwaredevelopment #attinyhacks #linux #i2c
#i2c #linux #attinyhacks #softwaredevelopment
Come Learn About New ATtiny Generations - As the chip shortage hit, a lot of the familiar ATtiny chips have become unavailab... - #chipoftheweek #attinyhacks #comparison #how-to #attiny #atmel #parts
#parts #atmel #attiny #how #comparison #attinyhacks #chipoftheweek
$1 POV Display Goes Round and Round - You don’t need much to do a persistence of vision display. A few LEDs and a proces... - #microcontrollers #attinyhacks #povdisplay #attiny #pov
#pov #attiny #povdisplay #attinyhacks #microcontrollers
Mini Ultrasonic Levitation Kit is an Exercise in Sound Minimalist Design - For those that haven’t heard, ultrasonic levitation is a process by which two or m... - #opensourcehardware #attinyhacks #levitation #ultrasonic #ultrasound #attiny85 #arduino
#arduino #attiny85 #ultrasound #ultrasonic #levitation #attinyhacks #opensourcehardware
Neodriver Ornament Brightens Up Christmas - Stores will sell you all kinds of gaudy holiday ornaments, but there’s nothing lik... - #christmastree #holidayhacks #attinyhacks #ws2812b #tree #led
#led #tree #ws2812b #attinyhacks #holidayhacks #christmastree
To Turn an ATtiny817 into a 150MHz Counter, First Throw Out the Spec Sheet - One generally reads a data sheet in one of two ways. The first is to take every sp... - #frequencycounter #attinyhacks #attiny817 #prescaler #counter #atmel #avr #tcd
#tcd #avr #atmel #counter #prescaler #attiny817 #attinyhacks #frequencycounter
A Cold Light To Warm Your Heart - Halloween is coming fast and what better way to add to your Halloween ornamentatio... - #opensourcehardwarecertification #opensourcehardware #attinyhacks #throughhole #ledhacks #attiny85 #ledflame #tealight #ws2812 #ghost
#ghost #ws2812 #tealight #ledflame #attiny85 #ledhacks #throughhole #attinyhacks #opensourcehardware #opensourcehardwarecertification
Tiny GPS Logger for the Internet of Animals - [Trichl] creates a tiny GPS logger, called ‘TickTag’, that was designed as an inex... - #attinyhacks #datalogger #gpslogger #gpshacks #lowpower #attiny #atiny #gps
#gps #atiny #attiny #lowpower #gpshacks #gpslogger #datalogger #attinyhacks
DIY Fume Extractor with ATtiny13 Speed Control - Let’s be honest, commercially-available soldering fume extractors are cheap enough... - #3dprintedenclosure #fumeextractor #attinyhacks #toolhacks #attiny13 #mosfet #tp4056 #pwm
#pwm #tp4056 #mosfet #attiny13 #toolhacks #attinyhacks #fumeextractor #3dprintedenclosure