I have also learnt, from experience, that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other about with us, in our minds, wheresoever we go.
Martha Washington (1732 - 1802)
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #life #happiness #attitude #mind
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#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #life #happiness #attitude #mind
Imagine how much more we might enjoy a meal, a book, an outing, a concert, a holiday – if we think these just may be the best we have ever experienced.
Setting Your Outlook:
#inspiration #attitude #livingwell #outlook #life
Verbal Judo by George J Thompson
This book will teach you the basic principles to hold to get what you want from people, even when they're being unreasonable. If you find yourself dealing with assholes all day, this is the book for you.
#BookReview #Conflict #Persuasion #SelfHelp #Police #Attitude #Connection
#bookreview #Conflict #persuasion #selfhelp #police #attitude #connection
We justify our actions by dehumanizing the other person.
As long as they don’t agree with us or they don’t look like us we are happy to dehumanize them.
#refugee #refugees #immigrants #racism #attitude #humanity #wrongDoing
#refugee #refugees #immigrants #racism #attitude #humanity #wrongdoing
"Whatever your wins and losses were for the week, whatever you did or you didn't do, when you come to this table, your value has nothing to do with that." — Greta Gerwig — — — #GretaGerwig #quote #quotes #win #lose #welcome #attitude #chracter #now #present #today
#gretagerwig #quote #quotes #win #lose #welcome #attitude #chracter #now #present #today
There's something fundamentally wrong with this #attitude. If you start from the position that any #viewpoint that is different from your own is #invalid and not held in good faith, what's the point of discussing anything at all?
You're only listening to people who already agree with you. It's an echo chamber, and you pre-emptively dismiss anyone on the outside as evil/disingenuous/corrupt/whatever.
For those that always think it's always someone else's fault, it's not fair, biased ,etc......think of attitude, dedication, work ethic, being humble and helping others ...This applies to all aspects of life,regardless of age,race,gender,job,etc.
...James does it and so can the rest of us.
#riffs #metallica #jameshetfield #fate #payitforward #attitude
#riffs #metallica #jameshetfield #fate #payitforward #attitude
Good deeds.
Good stillness.
Good thoughts.
Good intentions.
Good morning!
#Tuesday #goodmorning #mindful #attitude
@Grantscheam mein Kind hat die ersten paar Monate jeweils den Mittelfinger gestreckt in die Höhe gehalten, wenn er gekackt hat. #attitude
My attitude toward progress has passed from antagonism to boredom. I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday.
#GKChesterton - New York Times Magazine, Feb. 11, 1923
#gkchesterton #progress #meaning #attitude #cultofprogress #quotes
Wow: #IceCube sure as hell has lost all #attitude when he's happily joining #TuckerCarlson for an interview that is basically taking a cheap shot (haha) at #Covid19 #vaccinations.
Never mind Carlson's key role in turning #whitesupremacy and #racism into normalized talking points with the #GOPasshats and in public discourse in the #UnitedStates.
Another MC losing the plot entirely - shame on him. If he had any attitude left, he'd have told Carlson to go TUCK himself.
#icecube #attitude #tuckercarlson #COVID19 #vaccinations #whitesupremacy #racism #gopasshats #unitedstates
What is your basic attitude towards life #shorts #attitude #positivity #life #selfdevelopment #productivity
#productivity #selfdevelopment #life #positivity #attitude #shorts
What is your basic attitude towards life #shorts #attitude #positivity #life #selfdevelopment #productivity
#productivity #selfdevelopment #life #positivity #attitude #shorts
The Power to Make a Difference is All in Your Head - Our lives are the results of our thoughts
#reallife #jillreidwriter #mindset #attitude #selfimprovement #selfhelp #personaldevelopment
#reallife #jillreidwriter #mindset #attitude #selfimprovement #selfhelp #personaldevelopment
I saw 'Taxi Driver,' and 'Taxi Driver' kind of saved my life. The scene where Robert De Niro is looking at himself in the mirror saying, 'You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Who the hell else are you talkin' to?' That's the scene that changed my life by changing my attitude about acting.
— Guillermo del Toro
#quote #attitude
Wenn sich #Attitüde und #Plattitüde zum #Blinddate in einem #Restaurant treffen, wie stellt Ihr Euch deren Gespräch vor?
#attitude #plattitude #blinddate #restaurant
Remember: in #fascist societies, the #cruelty is the point. It's not a byproduct. It's not unintended.
That #attitude even reaches down to the #children. #Fascists don't have a problem with terrifying children to gain power and control over the parents.
I can't imagine being one of these children who were just told that one of their parents is illegal just because they're the same #sex. 🤬
#Italy begins stripping #lesbian #mothers of their #ParentalRights
#iamdb #parentalrights #mothers #lesbian #Italy #sex #fascists #children #attitude #cruelty #fascist
》You don't KNOW anything without knowing other LIVES,
other WORLDS,
other ROADS,
other STREETS,
other SEAS,
other RAINS,
other STORMS,
Mehmet Murat ildan
#ATTITUDE is a choice.
#HAPPINESS is a choice.
#OPTIMISM is a choice.
#KINDNESS is a choice.
#GIVING is a choice.
#RESPECT is a choice.
Whatever #CHOICE you make makes you.
#CHOOSE wisely."
Roy T. Bennett
~~~~~🙏Focus on your followings, not followers❣~~~~
#attitude #happiness #optimism #kindness #giving #respect #choice #choose
Unsere Hunnert “BoB” (Black on Black) Series in Action! #DuBistHunnert 🤘
#RockHorns #RockstarLifestyle #Lifestyle #Rockstar #shirt #tshirt #attitude #badass #hunnert #hunnertrockhorns #summer #summerfashion #einstellung #einstellungssache #hunnertlifestyle #bob #blackonblack
#BlackOnBlack #BoB #hunnertlifestyle #einstellungssache #Einstellung #summerfashion #Summer #hunnertrockhorns #hunnert #badass #attitude #tshirt #shirt #rockstar #lifestyle #rockstarlifestyle #rockhorns #dubisthunnert