#attribute : to consider (something) as due or appropriate (to)
- French: attribut
- German: das Attribut
- Italian: attributo
- Portuguese: atributo
- Spanish: atributo
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
Du benötigst einzigartige #Attribute in deinem #WordPress-#Block? Dann musst du sicherstellen, dass es keine #Duplikate in anderen Blöcken desselben #Editors gibt.
So kannst du es verhindern:
#editors #duplikate #block #wordpress #attribute
Du benötigst einzigartige #Attribute in deinem #WordPress-#Block? Dann musst du sicherstellen, dass es keine #Duplikate in anderen Blöcken desselben #Editors gibt.
So kannst du es verhindern:
#editors #duplikate #block #wordpress #attribute
#attribute : to consider (something) as due or appropriate (to)
- French: attribut
- German: das Attribut
- Italian: attributo
- Portuguese: atributo
- Spanish: atributo
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
Would love to #Attribute this, however, image searches found too many results.
From the Smart Editor to Smart #Forms in #ArcGIS Online
#ArcGISOnline #attribute #data #editing #GIS #GIO #esri #arcgis #mapping #maps #cartography #geospatial #mapstodon
#Forms #arcgis #ArcGISOnline #attribute #data #editing #GIS #GIO #esri #mapping #maps #cartography #geospatial #mapstodon
#aria-#owns: The aria-owns #attribute is used to identify the #elements owned by the current #element in the #application. The value of the aria-owns attribute is a space-separated list of #element #ids.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
RWW: Thank you. Are there any other attributes which should be included in the list above?
#aria #owns #attribute #elements #element #application #ids
#aria-#flowto: The aria-flowto #attribute is used to identify the #element that flows to the object. The #value of the aria-flowto attribute is the #id of an element in the same #document.
#aria-#labelledby: The aria-labelledby #attribute is used to identify the #elements that #label the object. The #value of the aria-labelledby attribute is a space-separated list of element #ids.
#aria #flowto #attribute #element #value #id #document #labelledby #elements #label #ids
#aria-#controls: The aria-controls #attribute is used to identify the #elements controlled by the #current #element in the #application. The #value of the aria-controls attribute is a space-separated list of element #ids.
#aria-#describedby: The aria-describedby #attribute is used to identify the #elements that describe the object. The #value of the aria-describedby attribute is a space-separated list of element #ids.
#aria #controls #attribute #elements #current #element #application #value #ids #describedby
#form: The form #attribute specifies the form the #element belongs to. The #value of the form attribute must be the #id of a form element in the same #document.
#aria-#activedescendant: The aria-activedescendant #attribute is used to identify the #active #descendant #element of a #composite #widget in the #application. The #value of the aria-activedescendant attribute is the #id of an element in the same #document.
#form #attribute #element #value #id #document #aria #activedescendant #active #descendant #composite #widget #application
RWW: Some #HTML attributes like #for and #form have a value which corresponds with the #id value of another element. Can you write a complete list of all the HTML attributes like this?
CGPT: Here are all the #HTML #attributes that have a #value corresponding with the #id value of another #element:
#for: The for attribute specifies which form element a #label is bound to. The value of the for #attribute must be the id of a form element in the same #document.
#html #for #form #id #attributes #value #element #label #attribute #document
#Miniatures and #maps are great for some #games but roleplaying is best when it's #TheaterOfTheMind.
Also helpful, though a challenge to GM, is the Player Isolation Principle, whereby the players are not exposed to the #GameMechanics directly. The numerical values have #descriptive equivalents that allow translation. A #strength
#attribute #modifier of +2 becomes "very strong", a 30% reduction in #HitPoints becomes a "moderate injury", etc...
#miniatures #maps #theaterofthemind #attribute #modifier #games #gamemechanics #descriptive #strength #hitpoints
Adding CC Images To Photos
#photo,#embed,#add,#creativecommonslogo,#linux #graphicsmagick,#editing,#manipulation,#bash,#commands,
#photo #embed #add #creativecommonslogo #linux #graphicsmagick #editing #manipulation #bash #commands #media #copyleft #attribute #share #alike #sharealike #commons #freedom
The charged #debate around #cobalt - Fairphone
[…] Few if any #minerals have polarised the #public as much as cobalt. The #battery #metal allows us to store #energy more efficiently, stabilizing #batteries and allowing frequent #recharging – an essential #attribute for #EVs, mobile #phones, and …
@Fairphone 🔗 https://social.weho.st/users/Fairphone/statuses/104427519243720262
[…] Read more: https://bit.ly/3i8z5zv
#debate #cobalt #minerals #public #battery #metal #energy #batteries #recharging #attribute #evs #phones