Heiße Sommertage gab es immer schon? Aber nicht so wie in diesem Jahr.
Was die #Hitze im #Extremsommer 2023 mit dem #Klimawandel zu tun hat und wie das mit den großen #Waldbrände|n zusammenhängt, erklärt @lohmann bei @riffreporter
https://www.riffreporter.de/de/wissen/hitzesommer-extremwetter-rekordhitze-klimakrise-attribtionsforschung #Attribution #Klimakrise #Klimakatastrophe #wald #duerre
#hitze #extremsommer #klimawandel #waldbrande #attribution #klimakrise #klimakatastrophe #Wald #duerre
That is already the #law; #facts cannot be #copyrighted. Ideas cannot be copyrighted. Only a particular #expression of an #idea can be copyrighted.
If #newspaper A prints a scoop, newspaper B or website C is already free to write their own #article using facts from it. They can't just #copy the #article and change a few words, but they absolutely can use every fact from the original, and even #quote it with #attribution.
#Law #facts #copyrighted #expression #idea #newspaper #article #copy #quote #attribution
Handelsblatt-Redakteur Michael Scheppe hat sich mit der Attributionsforscherin Friederike Otto (Imperial College London) darüber unterhalten, ob die aktuellen Wetterlagen noch normal sind oder mit dem #Klimawandel in Verbindung stehen. Ausgesprochen hörenswert!
Via @handelsblatt 🎤 https://www.handelsblatt.com/audio/green-podcast/handelsblatt-green-und-energy-ist-das-noch-wetter-oder-schon-der-klimawandel/29328662.html
#ParteiKlima #Attributionsforschung #Attribution #Wetter #Hitzewelle #Extremwetterereignisse
#klimawandel #PARTEIKlima #Attributionsforschung #attribution #wetter #Hitzewelle #Extremwetterereignisse
Folk band We Mavericks hit by music fraud as songs uploaded to streaming sites under different name https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-10/music-piracy-hits-folk-band-we-mavericks-on-streaming-sites/102650150 #copyright #moralrights #attribution #consumerlaw
#copyright #moralrights #attribution #consumerlaw
@tassiedi @ridewithgps @bicyclenetwork @trailstash RideWithGPS uses OpenStreetMap for their routing, but I just noticed they still show the Google logo on OSM maps and don't have OSM attribution which is against the OSM license - I'll reach out to them about that.
#openstreetmap #attribution #osmattribution #ridewithgps #googlemaps #osm #maps
#openstreetmap #attribution #osmattribution #ridewithgps #googlemaps #osm #maps
Attribution studies play such a crucial role in our understanding the evolution of the climate crisis.
Here is some excellent research as always from World Weather Attribution. 🧪
#clmatecrisis #attribution #ClimateLiteracy
Extreme heat in North America, Europe and China in July 2023 made much more likely by climate change
#investication #attribution via @WWAttribution
@osi Ps. If anybody is listening, please read my blog about ”a middle way”. That we must do not because it’s easy but because it’s hard. Otherwise intellectual property as an incentive for encouraging innovation is done for.
@osi Looks like #Open #Source #AI is going ethically in the wrong direction.
Just because #attribution is hard, it doesn’t equal ”useless”.
”One group member pointed out that “attribution” for a dataset might result in a 300-million page PDF. “Completely useless. It would compress well, because most of it would be redundant.””
Yeah. Most, but not all, and you can’t know which because you can’t figure our whose #work is going to get #stolen in advance.
Bullish nerds being bull.
#open #source #ai #attribution #work #stolen
Creator is Dick Soup.
ppxl@social.tchncs.de - OMG who did this? I am crying
AI Attribution and Provenance - Tom Barrett https://edte.ch/blog/2023/02/06/ai-attribution-and-provenance/ #AI #provenance #attribution (some interesting ideas)
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all"
...is a quote often attributed to John Maynard Keynes, sometimes rephrased a bit. But there's no good evidence that he said or wrote it:
https://quoteinvestigator.com/2011/02/23/capitalism-motives/ #capitalism #economics #quotation #Keynes #attribution
#capitalism #economics #quotation #keynes #attribution
‘People thought they knew the story’: the rise and fall of Milli Vanilli https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/jun/15/milli-vanilli-documentary-tribeca-film-festival #music #lipsynch #copyright #attribution
#music #lipsynch #copyright #attribution
From Research To Action - The Growing Impact Of Attribution Science
https://blog.ucsusa.org/delta-merner/from-research-to-action-the-growing-impact-of-attribution-science/ <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #attribution #climateattribution #climateattributionscience #climatelawsuit #lawsuits #extremeweather #naturalweatherpatterns #weatherpatterns #model #modeling #research #event #connections #science #emissions #causality #weatherforecasting #interdisciplinary #water #hydrology #drought #watersecurity #heatwaves #flood #flooding #wildfires #global #regional #impacts #compoundeffect
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #attribution #climateattribution #climateattributionscience #climatelawsuit #lawsuits #extremeweather #naturalweatherpatterns #weatherpatterns #model #modeling #research #event #connections #science #emissions #causality #weatherforecasting #interdisciplinary #water #hydrology #drought #watersecurity #heatwaves #flood #flooding #wildfires #global #regional #impacts #compoundeffect
>Columnists for the global media cabal known as ‘News Corp’ have slammed former parliamentary staffer turned activist Brittany Higgins, saying that if she wanted sympathy she shouldn’t have been a woman reporting an alleged sexual insult, and instead been a man committing war crimes.
>“She should be ashamed of herself” wrote one columnist in their 20th article about her today, “wanting support and justice? How dare she! She has not killed nearly enough civilians to earn any sympathy.”
>“It is extremely suspicious that she handed over her devices when the police asked instead of pouring lighter fluid on it and setting it on fire. We ask you, what was she trying to hide by willingly handing over the information?”
>“We have gone through her phones and medical records, and we can reveal that she has had mental health issues. What could have possibly caused that? It just makes no sense and we won’t leave her alone until we find out.”
>“Clearly she is just crazy unlike the heroic Ben Roberts-Smith, who deserves all the support he can get while he deals with the trauma of barely being held responsible for his actions. Poor guy, he barely has the mental energy to do a leggy anymore.”
>An editor for a News Corp tabloid told The Chaser that they hope their reporting, “sends a clear message to all victims out there to please stay silent. That is the case whether you are a victim of sexual violence or getting kicked off a cliff while handcuffed, then shot. Leave the powerful alone you monsters.”
>Not to be outdone, The Daily Mail also released a statement confirming their commitment to stalking and harassing anyone who speaks out against sexual violence, while also writing pieces about how hot war criminals look with close up shots of their abs.
[that's actually ALL of it. you won't see any more even following the link at top, but i included it for #attribution purposes]
#auspol #satire #misogyny #attribution
Nothing like seeing scientists boost a LinkedIn post with an unattributed map that Tineye locates to an unattributed map posted on Reddit.
Before y'all scientists go casting shade on the general public disseminating garbage info, heal thyselves.
So one of the things that pisses me off about #socialmedia is the lack of #attribution. Do you know how many times I see #Instagram posts which are screenshots of tweets or tweets which are videos from #TikTok. The developers have the ability to make it so their software automatically searches and finds the source. Look at #YouTube for an example, but they won't. It's the same with #memes, you see people reposting memes when it should link to the original.
#memes #youtube #tiktok #instagram #attribution #socialmedia
Enjoy reading!
#ZeFKo #PeaceAndConflict #InternationalRelations #Attribution #Cyberwar #Cyberpeace #EscalationPrevention #Transparency #Trustbuilding
#zefko #peaceandconflict #internationalrelations #attribution #cyberwar #cyberpeace #escalationprevention #transparency #trustbuilding
Now this is the Law of the Jungle -- as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back --
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
-- #quote #attribution Rudyard Kipling, 'The Law of the Jungle'
a problematic poet, but the poetry remains.
RT @EUCyberDirect: Day 2 of #ECA23 has just started!
First on the agenda is a discussion on public-private #cooperation 🤝 in #cyber threat intelligence, cyber crisis management, and the #attribution of cyber operations and incidents. https://t.co/RmLgc08CfQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1651139792619405312
#ECA23 #cooperation #cyber #attribution