Our new article in Social Sciences Research is finally out. The paper looks at change in time spent on housework, childcare and work time across cohorts of parents. Change is greatest for more recent cohorts of fathers.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049089X23000236?dgcid=author #sociology #soc #ATUS #timeuse #generations
#sociology #soc #atus #timeuse #generations
My #ASSA2023 paper from Sunday "Who is Doing the Chores and Childcare in Dual-earner Couples during the COVID-19 Era of Working from Home?" has been published in #REHO. @VictoriaKVernon and I would like to thank our editor @enrica_croda #WFH #ATUS
An ungated version of the paper is available here: https://rdcu.be/c240e.