@themadcodger @ingalls
Software Defined Radio.
Its thumbish sized USB stick that you put an antenna in one end and USB connector on the other.
Form there the RF waves are at your command.
#FT8 #aprs #sstv #rtty #cw #ssb #am #fm #atv and so many more modes are a mouse click away.
Every ham should have at least one.
#ft8 #aprs #sstv #rtty #cw #ssb #am #fm #atv
1959: With all the cash coming in the door, it has made sense to pay off the mortgage on Elstree over a year early and take the financial penalty. The company’s loan stock – a way for shareholders to lend money to the business – has been bought back, with a tidy profit to those (Pye Group, notably) who bought it.
#ATV's profit (in 2023 money): £49m
1958: Three years into ITV and already ATV is chafing at the structure of the network – a structure that allowed them to continue trading when losing bucketfuls of cash every day for the first eighteen months.
#ATV's profit (in 2023 money): £38m
1957: Prince Littler explains that the sheer financial hell that was the first 18 months of the new ITV is over, and things are looking up for ATV. Official financial results like this require, at this period in time at least, a cautious optimism at most – it would be very wrong to mislead the public, after all – and Littler goes with this: the nightmare is mostly behind us, things will get better.
#ATV's profit (in 2023 money): £3.95m
It's a dry subject, we admit, but there's some gems to be found within the financial results for ITV companies.
#ATV :atv: published public results every year from shares going on sale in 1957 until they were bought out in 1981, recording some fascinating ups and downs in the fortunes of the great ITV company.
We're running three of these a week for the next two months over on THIS IS ATV NETWORK
Elektrisch angetriebenes ATV mit 18 einzeln aufgehängten Rädern (Heise):
Bei #18Wheels ist der Name Programm: Das Elektro-ATV besitzt 18 Räder, die einzeln aufgehängt sind und jeweils von einem Elektromotor angetrieben werden.
#Elektromobilitaet #ATV
#atv #elektromobilitaet #18wheels
Elektrisch angetriebenes ATV mit 18 einzeln aufgehängten Rädern (Heise):
Bei #18Wheels ist der Name Programm: Das Elektro-ATV besitzt 18 Räder, die einzeln aufgehängt sind und jeweils von einem Elektromotor angetrieben werden.
#Elektromobilitaet #ATV
#18wheels #elektromobilitaet #atv
Elektrisch angetriebenes ATV mit 18 einzeln aufgehängten Rädern (Heise):
Bei #18Wheels ist der Name Programm: Das Elektro-ATV besitzt 18 Räder, die einzeln aufgehängt sind und jeweils von einem Elektromotor angetrieben werden.
#Elektromobilitaet #ATV
#18wheels #elektromobilitaet #atv
Elektrisch angetriebenes ATV mit 18 einzeln aufgehängten Rädern (Heise):
Bei #18Wheels ist der Name Programm: Das Elektro-ATV besitzt 18 Räder, die einzeln aufgehängt sind und jeweils von einem Elektromotor angetrieben werden.
#Elektromobilitaet #ATV
#18wheels #elektromobilitaet #atv
@Defizit @heideanna Jep - wenn ich ein Medienunternehmen hätte, würde ich das auch machen, mich dann mit anderen Medien vernetzen und gemeinsam das #Fediverse rocken und als Plattform für Kommunikation, Information und Recherche nutzen.
#DiePresse @derStandard #Falter #Kurier #Kronezeitung #DieFurche #ORF #Puls24 #ATV #Puls4 #TirolerTageszeitung #KleineZeitung hört die Signale!
#Fediverse #diepresse #falter #kurier #kronezeitung #diefurche #orf #puls24 #atv #puls4 #tirolertageszeitung #kleinezeitung
I didn’t go to work today. My dad wanted to go #ATV riding one last time before he has eye surgery next week. We got up super early and stayed out until noon. Had a great time at the Knolls which is half sand dunes and half salt flats.
#ATV #Beginnermistakes Common Mistakes Beginners Make with Quad Biking and Tips for Riding Better https://twoverbs.com/quad-biking-for-beginners/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
just in case anyone wonders (i did)
is #Canada still burning? bc
#CanadaWildfires isn't trending anymore
-> yessss Canada is burning.
no idea what their newssites are, but looks like CBC and CTV are big.
here's CTV's offering:
#ClimateCrisis is major factor, BUT the fires very often *start* actually bc of direct human activity. a faulty electric line here and an #ATV there. ciggy butts are not mentioned, but they usually make it on lists like these.
#canada #canadawildfires #ClimateCrisis #atv #climatediary
#ATV VS #CAR: 3700 Bl. of Minnesota Ave NE: #Dcfd is on the scene of a #collision between a car and an Atv. The severity of the injuries is unknown.
#caraccident #washingtondc #crimedc #collision #dcfd #car #atv #atvs #ghetto
Colorado Man Dies in ATV Accident on Jim Creek Trail Saturday
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AST reports that the remains of the Colorado man who died in an off-road vehicle accident on Saturday evening have been turned over to the State Medical Examiner's office in Anchorage for autopsy.
At 8:19 pm on Saturday, troopers were alerted to an ATV crash in the Jim Creek area in the Mat-Su....
#christopher andersen #fatality #accident #jim creek #alaska #atv
#christopher #fatality #accident #jim #alaska #atv
Gotta love IMDb, assuming that :atv: "ATV Colour Production" on the endcap means that Sapphire & Steel was a co-production between #ATV and "Colour Productions". 😔