#hp さんは大変面白いコンピュータを売ってはりましたなあ、という #お気持ち になっている。当該の機種は251-a130jpで、 #Celeron N3050と4GBの #DDR3 メモリと500GBのHDD, DVDマルチドライブを積んでいる。このスペックをミドルタワーケースに詰めて売っているわけだが、おしりを見ると大変激しい。 #PCI スロット用の穴も空いてなければ #ATX 電源用の穴も空いていない。あるのは古くはPS/2ポートやパラレルポート、USBコネクタを通すためのコネクタ用の穴だけだ。そこに #ACアダプター の穴が設けられているのである。筐体がデカけりゃえらいのか? それとも3.5インチHDDを使いたかったのか? 理由はさっぱり判らないが、拡張性に全く見合わないケースを採用しているのだ
日本HP、エントリークラスで5万円台のミニタワー型デスクトップPC | マイナビニュース https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20151020-a132/
#acアダプター #atx #PCI #DDR3 #Celeron #お気持ち #hp
@fuck_cars_bot #AustinTexas, aew you listening? This would be a great modification to Interstate 35 down the city's center. #ATX #Austin
Had breakfast this morning at Double Trouble (https://doubletroubleatx.com/), the collaboration restaurant between Barret's Coffee and the Vegan Nom. My #vegan Chilaquiles Mexicana and Three Amigos tacos were both delicious, and I'll definitely be back. #atx
Family shot
The brown butterand salt donut from The Salty in Austin is so amazing that every time I order it through delivery, the driver steals it. Today, I went and picked up my own!
Manchester, available for adoption, is smaller than average and Willy, her host cat, is much larger than average. Manchester also goes by “Tribble,” because she makes sounds like a tribble creature from the original Star Trek TV series.
If you’re in the Austin area, you should adopt Manchester!
More info: https://bit.ly/apa116664
#caturday #CatsOfMastodon #cats #StarTrek #STTOS #Austin #ATX
#caturday #catsofmastodon #cats #startrek #sttos #austin #atx
Got out of the house last night and checked out some local metal bands.
The three bands I saw were all very good. 1 I had seen a few times before and 2 bands I was seeing for the first time.
The best part of the night was seeing a group of “kids” at the show just rocking out. I say “kids” because I’m not sure how old they were and they were being completely silly in the mosh pit.
There was something wholesome that made me not only laugh, a lot. But it also lead me to think “maybe, the kids are alright”
Maybe, in this vile and fucked up world, there is still a chance for hope.
#heavymetal #metalheads #moshpit #supportlocalmusic #atx
Austin's BookPeople sues Texas over new law restricting school library books
'HB 900 puts the onus of rating books as “sexually explicit” and “sexually relevant” on book vendors, such as BookPeople which sells to school districts in Central Texas. It gives vendors until next April to give the Texas Education Agency a list of books it has sold to public and charter schools considered to be “sexually explicit” or “sexually relevant.”'
@atarifrosch @swigert @tagesschau @Moonfire
Atarifrosch - sehe ich genauso - ja als #Ösi zahle ich zwar nichts für die #ARD - aber wir Ösis schauen auch ARD und wundern uns über diese "Börsenlastigkeit"
Dabei haben mehrer DAX-Schwergewichte bewiesen, dass sie reiner Betrug waren - nicht nur Wirecard
Unser #ORF berichtet vom #ATX nur, wenn etwas ausserordentliches passiert ist
Message from a friend outside DFW:
“East TX dumped dog alert … anyone looking for a 5 month old 🐶 puppy that looks to be a Heeler/pit mix?
All shots and great opportunity to train her - currently doing well with cats.
Let me know and I’ll deliver! We can confirm that these “Ditch dogs” are awesome! “
If you know someone in the greater #DFW or even #ATX or ##Houston area who would make an excellent dog parent, and is interested, hit me up. #Dogiverse #DogsOfMastodon #AnimalRescue #Mutts
#dfw #atx #houston #dogiverse #dogsofmastodon #animalrescue #mutts
Opportunity for triple-threats* local to Austin to audition this Monday or Tuesday (June 26,27) for a Todrick Hall musical. PAID. Submit P&R to th.austinmusical@gmail.com
#audition #OpenAudition #TripleThreat #singer #dancer #actor #ATX #ActorsOfMastodon #SingersOfMastodon #DancersOfMastodon #MusicalTheatre #MusicalTheater #theatre #theater #TXactor #ATXactor
#audition #openaudition #triplethreat #singer #dancer #actor #atx #actorsofmastodon #singersofmastodon #dancersofmastodon #musicaltheatre #musicaltheater #theatre #theater #txactor #atxactor
Opportunity for triple-threats* local to Austin to audition this Monday or Tuesday (June 26,27) for a Todrick Hall musical. PAID. Submit P&R to th.austinmusical@gmail.com
#audition #OpenAudition #TripleThreat #singer #dancer #actor #ATX #ActorsOfMastodon #SingersOfMastodon #DancersOfMastodon #MusicalTheatre #MusicalTheater #theatre #theater #TXactor #ATXactor
#audition #openaudition #triplethreat #singer #dancer #actor #atx #actorsofmastodon #singersofmastodon #dancersofmastodon #musicaltheatre #musicaltheater #theatre #theater #txactor #atxactor
Heading down to the Mohawk in Austin tomorrow night to see Brownout. The band has been around for 20 years and while I learned of them through their excellent Black Sabbath covers (with a Latin Funk twist), they have a deep poertfolio of original music as well.
Finally get to see them live. Looking forward to it!
(I wish they had a Fediverse presence!)
#Music #ATX #atxMusic
It’s that time of year, again, to debunk a common and widespread myth about Barton Springs Pool in Austin: The myth is that the temperature of the pool “remains a constant 68 degrees” (or 70 degrees, depending on your source). In fact, the temperature of the pool has never been constant but can range from 68°F to 75°F, depending on the season and the exact location where the temperature is measured.
#atx #bartonsprings #mythbusting #waterways