wow today's public comment to austin council is fire.
One guy created all the numbers why it's crazy to force city staff to come back to the office. Esp IT staff - they are so underpaid and understaffed. Who would stay?
And some guy just talking about how a heritage oak was taken out by development and they all just went "woops"
Listening to public comment today at Council. And wow the mayor sounds flat out adversarial. #atxpol
Good news for once. Garrett Foster's murderer was actually convicted for murder.
#Austin #atx #AustinTX #AustinChronicle #atxpol #blm #politics #uspol #GarrettFoster
#austin #atx #austintx #austinchronicle #atxpol #blm #politics #uspol #garrettfoster #blacklivesmatter
Part 3 of #atxpol
So, to wrap it up... that's the standstill we are at. Apparently, there is some state safety net for police contracts.
Oh yeah? the city manager was fired. That morning, there was definitely a show of force in my hood... I've never seen that many cop cars. Where y'all been? 🫠
But the cherry on top? Last night, there were sideshow takeovers in 3 intersections in #Austin. Only 1 cop car visible and he got pushed back by a mob.
Part 2 of #atxpol
6. APD contract is up 3/31. But...
7. Austin voters will vote in May on 2 ballot props on police oversight. SO...
8. City Council proposed a 1 year contract extension. BUT...
9. Outgoing City Manager Cronk surprised Council with a negotiated new 4 year contract right before they decided his own contract gate. AND THEN...
10. Council said nope we will do 1 year extension to honor the will of the people. PREDICTABLY
11. Police union said they'll go without a contract. 🤔
Let me catch you up on #austin politics. #atxpol
1. Austin City Council voted to move some police budget so police didn't have to support non-police activities (aka defund the police).
2. Governor said oh HELL no & signed an EO forcing cities to refund the police.
3. City manager Cronk complied (&then some).
4. Cops stop showing up. In my neighborhood we don't call unless gunshots are on the same street.
5. City council starts talking abt firing Cronk, especially after the ice storm response.