Com'è andata la vostra estate?
- Ah, molto bene. Page voleva un'estate d'amore e così è stata.
* Cosa avete fatto?
- Tre picnic, quattro passeggiate al chiaro di luna e...
* E...Il resto, Sam?
- Pompini!
A few more lol:
#TheLegendOfKorra #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TheDragonPrince #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #EarthSea #Discworld #TerryPratchett #MontyPython ( #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus ) #FawltyTowers #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Switch #TableTopGames #Amphibia #SpongeBob ( #SpongeBobSquarePants ) #OpenSource #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #Atypical #Autism #AsWeSeeIt #Farscape #Splatoon #BaldursGate #MissMarple #MurderMystery #OneDayAtATime #GilmoreGirls #JoJosBizzareAdventure #ScoobyDoo #DouglasAdams
#thelegendofkorra #whatwedointheshadows #thedragonprince #buffythevampireslayer #earthsea #discworld #terrypratchett #montypython #montypythonsflyingcircus #fawltytowers #rockyhorrorpictureshow #switch #tabletopgames #amphibia #spongebob #spongebobsquarepants #opensource #floss #freesoftware #atypical #autism #asweseeit #farscape #splatoon #baldursgate #missmarple #murdermystery #onedayatatime #gilmoregirls #jojosbizzareadventure #scoobydoo #douglasadams
#USDA detects #atypical #madcowdisease case in #SouthCarolina
#usda #atypical #MadCowDisease #southcarolina
#USDA detects #atypical #madcowdisease case in #SouthCarolina
#usda #atypical #MadCowDisease #southcarolina
#USDA detects #atypical #madcowdisease case in #SouthCarolina
#usda #atypical #MadCowDisease #southcarolina
"#Atypical", Staffel 4: In der letzten Staffel der gelungenen Serie kann man den autistischen Sam und seine Familie und Freunde weiterhin dabei beobachten, wie sie an sich und ihrer Umwelt wachsen. Sam wagt den Auszug von zu Hause - und gewinnt ein rundum stimmiges Finale. 8/10
"#Atypical", Staffel 3: Sams Geschichte führt ihn aufs College - und damit zu ganz neuen Herausforderungen. Seine Schwester Casey erweitert unterdessen ihren Horizont auf ganz andere Weise. Und Zahid trifft mit Gretchen auf seine Yoko Ono. Dem Zuschauer gefällt's weiterhin. 8/10
"#Atypical", Staffel 2: In der 2. Staffel der Serie um den autistischen Jungen Sam geht Familie Gardner in den Krisenmodus. Drehbuch und Schauspielerleistungen bleiben dabei auf unverändert hohem Niveau. Unterhaltsam und ernsthaft zugleich. Humorvoll und herzerwärmend. 8/10
This post & enclosed letter that I shared on another platform 3yrs ago needs to be read by those who are #Neurotypical & #ATypical alike
#EmbraceNeurodiversity #AutismAwareness #Humanity #ActuallyAutistic
The thoughtful framing is from The Autistic Advocate. The letter is from Dr Sophie Vivian, who has a PHD in ethics & understands how language & narrative can negatively impact a community
The letter was to the Neuroscience dept at Kings College London, where she studied
#ActuallyAutistic #Humanity #AutismAwareness #embraceneurodiversity #atypical #neurotypical
This post & enclosed letter that I shared on another platform 3yrs ago needs to be read by those who are #Neurotypical & #ATypical alike
#EmbraceNeurodiversity #AutismAwareness #Humanity #ActuallyAutistic
The thoughtful framing is from The Autistic Advocate. The letter is from Dr Sophie Vivian, who has a PHD in ethics & understands how language & narrative can negatively impact a community
The letter was to the Neuroscience dept at Kings College London, where she studied
#ActuallyAutistic #Humanity #AutismAwareness #embraceneurodiversity #atypical #neurotypical
"#Atypical", Staffel 1: Die Serie um den autistischen Jungen Sam Gardner und seine Familie ist vollgepackt mit kreativen Einfällen und spannenden (Neben-) Figuren. Sie pendelt geschickt zwischen den ernsten Alltagsherausforderungen und komischen Momenten. 8/10
#siamese #twins #sisters #dark #darkfantasy #darkart #digitalart #different #legs #conjoined #barefoot #bare #toes #malformation
#双子 #美脚 #奇形 #全裸 #おっぱい #裸足 #裸 #nude #足指 #足組み #異形 #atypical
#siamese #twins #sisters #dark #darkfantasy #darkart #digitalart #different #legs #conjoined #barefoot #bare #toes #malformation #双子 #美脚 #奇形 #全裸 #おっぱい #裸足 #裸 #nude #足指 #足組み #異形 #atypical
Typical in #geriatrics: the atypical #sympotoms of a #disease in older people, especially those with #frailty. Atypical in this paper: frailty does not associate with adverse outcome...
❗ #geriatrics: #atypical is #typical
Our recent paper: "Atypical presentation of #COVID19 in older patients is associated
with frailty but not with adverse outcomes"
#geriatrics #sympotoms #disease #frailty #atypical #typical #COVID19
Ughhhh ... #Netflix canceled immer wieder gut Shows nach 1 oder 2 Staffeln. #WarriorNun #SantaClaraDiet #TheOA #sense8 #Atypical #glow
Das ist doch einfach nur noch eine selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung. Ich schau mir schon gar keine neuen Netflixserien mehr an und investiere in die Story und Charaktere, weil sie doch eh zu 90% ohne echtes Ende gecanceled werden. Und ich bin ziemlich sicher, anderen geht das ähnlich.
#netflix #warriornun #santaclaradiet #theoa #sense8 #atypical #glow
Hate family drama TV shows. Hate teenage coming-of-age TV shows. But somehow loved #Atypical on Netflix. Just binge watched it and feel like I lived with them for a while. Shame there won't be more seasons!
#asd #autism #neurodivergent
#atypical #asd #autism #neurodivergent
Hate family drama TV shows. Hate teenage coming-of-age TV shows. But somehow loved #Atypical on Netflix. Just binge watched it and feel like I lived with them for a while. Shame there won't be more seasons!
#asd #autism #neurodivergent
#atypical #asd #autism #neurodivergent
Dammit I think I may have called Sam from #atypical the wrong name by accident in a recent video. I’m afraid to go back and look 😂 Hilariously it’s the #autism in me that would be intolerant of the mistake. 😂 Seriously if I look I’ll re-edit the video, I’m better off not looking 😂