RT @MayoUrology
Attention Urology Applicants:
@MayoClinic #Urology has established a 1-year fully funded mentored Research Fellowship for those pursuing a career in urology. Immerse yourself in the field and meaningful research. Apply here: https://mayocl.in/3JCpi4L
#AUAMatch #Match2023
RT @MayoUrology
If you didn't match, @MayoClinic #Urology has established a 1-year fully funded mentored Research Fellowship for those pursuing a career in urology. Immerse yourself in the field and meaningful research. Apply here: https://mayocl.in/3JCpi4L
#AUAMatch #Match2023
RT @Wilder_Sami
Opportunity for unmatched Uro applicants!
Paid research opportunity @VattikutiUrol @HenryFordHealth. Lots of opportunity and great mentorship!
Please send your full ERAS app (CV, PS, LORS, etc) to swilder2@hfhs.org. Happy to answer any Qs!
#urologymatch #uromatch2023 #auamatch
RT @BlFindlay@twitter.com
Already got one for my son! Look out for @ysaralee@twitter.com in the #AUAMatch in 2024! Rising 🌟 https://twitter.com/ysaralee/status/1597411184881197056
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlFindlay/status/1597602429654257666