Just sent a rather fiery email off to the #AUC regarding their pause on approvals for new renewable projects in #Alberta. I ... may have modified the template that #SolarAlberta gives a tiny bit. Perhaps got a little carried away and used stronger language than called for...
#RiseUpForRenewables and all that; also I'm glad to live in a place where I can criticize government bodies and not be afraid of retaliation, for now.
#auc #alberta #solaralberta #riseupforrenewables
I still sometimes hear well-educated people being surprised that Western corporations can pay to commit war crimes (sexual violence and killing and torturing civilians) without being sued. (Of course, non-Western corps can do that too.)
#CocaCola funded the #AUC #DeathSquad in the 1990s, according to #SalvatoreMancuso [1], speaking at the Colombian #TruthAndReconciliationCommission, the "Jurisdicci贸n Especial para la Paz" (JEP) [2].
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Jurisdiction_for_Peace
#TruthAndReconciliationCommission #salvatoremancuso #deathsquad #auc #cocacola
"Garbage In, Garbage Out" - how many times have you heard this expression in structural biology?!?!
We are running a workshop on sample preparation techniques at the upcoming 2023 American Crystallographic Association meeting July 7, 2023 in Baltimore, MD - register by June 30!
#structural #SAXS #cryoem #crystallization #crystallography #lightscattering #AUC #workshop #structuralbiology
#StructuralBiology #workshop #auc #lightscattering #crystallography #Crystallization #CryoEM #SAXS #structural
'Optimizing ROC Curves with a Sort-Based Surrogate Loss for Binary Classification and Changepoint Detection', by Jonathan Hillman, Toby Dylan Hocking.
#roc #classification #auc
Explore a couple of options to deploy your Swift, server-side, serverless applications. From #vapor on #awslambda to native Lambda functions with #sam. My talk at @ #AUC /dev/world/ 2023 Melbourne is now available !
@SURF Now that we have this great public Mastodon server running..
Have you seen this: https://element.io/blog/universal-universities/
In our institution (Amsterdam University College (#AUC) we are already using #Matrix rooms for institution-wide discussions.
Would it be possible for #Surf to also set up a Matrix server for Dutch academic institutions? For all the reasons mentioned in the article?
@vtijms@akademienl.social @vtijms @bon @vtraag @wlaatje @waag @marleenstikker
Students across Atlanta are organizing against Cop City with protests recently occurring at Moorehouse, Spelman, Clark Atlanta, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and Emory. This is only the beginning as more and more people join the struggle to #StopCopCity and defend the Weelaunee forest. College students have a deep history of being intimately involved with social revolutions, including the Civil Rights movement, especially in Atlanta. These protests are a testament to the community momentum gathered over the last two years. We must keep moving forward and STOP COP CITY!
#DrfendTheAtlantaForest #Atlanta #NoCopCity #Morehouse #Spelman #ClarkAtlanta #AUC #GeorgiaTech #GeorgiaState #Emory
Post taken from Instagram:
#StopCopCity #drfendtheatlantaforest #atlanta #NoCopCity #morehouse #spelman #clarkatlanta #auc #georgiatech #georgiastate #Emory
We're boosting this event from the Stop Cop City Instagram. Stand together with the AUC against Andre Dickens and Cop City! 5:30 today at the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center.
#Atlanta #AUC #Morehouse #Spelman #DefendTheAtlantaForest #StopCopCity
#atlanta #auc #morehouse #spelman #DefendtheAtlantaForest #StopCopCity
Hey folks who鈥檝e attended #AUC events, like #DevWorld and #XWorld... #HoldTheDate for March 30 & 31 in #Melbourne next year! 馃憖馃槑 #SwiftLang #AppleDev #iOSdev #macOSdev #Apple
#auc #devworld #xworld #holdthedate #melbourne #swiftlang #appledev #iosdev #macosdev #apple
Gdyby艣cie chcieli zatatuowywa膰 sobie 艂okie膰, to przemy艣lcie t臋 decyzj臋 dwukrotnie. #au膰
De colateral pas贸 a ser principal
Editorial Revista Insurrecci贸n N潞 813
Comando Central
Crece el rechazo al modelo econ贸mico y al r茅gimen imperante al tiempo que sus medios legales de represi贸n se descomponen, lo que lleva a la 茅lite dominante a desarrollar p煤blicamente su arma paramilitar para sostenerse en el poder.
No es nuevo...
#Paramilitarismo #narcotr谩fico #Narcoestado #EEUU #AUC #Convivir #Imperialismo #Corrupci贸n
#corrupci贸n #imperialismo #convivir #auc #EEUU #narcoestado #narcotr谩fico #paramilitarismo
De colateral pas贸 a ser principal
Editorial Revista Insurrecci贸n N潞 813
Comando Central
Crece el rechazo al modelo econ贸mico y al r茅gimen imperante al tiempo que sus medios legales de represi贸n se descomponen, lo que lleva a la 茅lite dominante a desarrollar p煤blicamente su arma paramilitar para sostenerse en el poder.
No es nuevo...
#Paramilitarismo #narcotr谩fico #Narcoestado #EEUU #AUC #Convivir #Imperialismo #Corrupci贸n
#corrupci贸n #imperialismo #convivir #auc #EEUU #narcoestado #narcotr谩fico #paramilitarismo
M谩s de 35 mil parejas han celebrado Acuerdos de Uni贸n Civil (#AUC) en la Regi贸n de Valpara铆so y m谩s de 35 mil en todo el pa铆s, en los 5 a帽os de vigencia de la ley 馃憞馃徏 https://bit.ly/2Ts7cHk