@ArrestJK @ZippyGonzales Many of us knew exactly who he was before he was backed by National and Act to become a doorstop to progress. #WayneBrown was the guy who joked about putting pictures of Herald journalist and decent fellow, Simon Wilson, on Auckland's urinals so everyone could piss on him. #YeahNah #NZPol #AucklandMayor
#waynebrown #yeahnah #nzpol #aucklandmayor
#NZTwits, never forget that it was the National and ACT Party's plus the wealthy property owners who supported the incompetent #AucklandMayor #WayneBrown to power on the promise he would reduce council spending on infrastructure and make rates cheaper. How's that working out?
#NZTwits #aucklandmayor #waynebrown #nzpol
"Council should set examples when it comes to climate change, Brown said, adding: "The Government have got to provide a bit of leadership there. If we do have a climate emergency, why can I go and buy a Dodge Ram?"
That statement hasn't aged well... 🤦🏾♂️
#CodeBrown #AucklandMayor
Todd Niall is too kind in saying, "As the leader of a metropolitan city, which on Friday faced an unprecedented and fatal rain catastrophe, [Wayne] Brown showed he has plenty still to learn about political leadership in a civil emergency."
1. It's a straight-up leadership fail, no need to add politics.
2. Brown was Far North Mayor for 2 terms. If he hasn't learnt by now...
#aucklandmayor #nzpol #aucklandfloods
@heyrochelle It was embarrassing to not only watch #WayneBrown 's complete failure of duty but also his failure to understand why he has failed or even what his role as #AucklandMayor is.
Please, less of the mansplaining, more of what you are doing to help those affected by the floods and what you are doing to prepare for the more rain forecasted. #AucklandMayor #AucklandFLood