I didn't find proper steps to integrate AUCTeX with Borg, so here we go:
I've written a new package for emacs that allows one to input latex tikz/pgf objects through mouse-based clicks. So far it also allows translations & rotations of such objects, more to come.
My main motivation was that I felt my working speed with making latex-beamer presentations was really affected by the number of write-compile-check iterations I had to do each time I was including something using tikz in my slides.
Do check out the package and I will appreciate any feedback! :)
P.S.: This is my very first post on Mastodon - I discovered Mastodon through a @daviwil video!
#emacs #latex #tikz #beamer #auctex #pdf
@BigEatie I used to prefer #AUCTeX, but switched to org-mode.
I've written my Master's Thesis in Org Mode, and yeah, there are a bunch of export blocks which are mosly pseudocode and FloatBarriers... A lot of ATTR_LATEX directives.
Also, the entirety of my preamble is a bunch of .sty files which I copy from project to project.
But in my opinion it's quite usable.
#Emacs and #Latex users: do you find it easier to use #orgmode and export to latex or use something like #auctex? I'm trying to go the orgmode and export route but finding quite a bit of friction any time I want to go off the beaten path, and I have a lot of #+Export latex throughout my org file. I wonder if this is just a lack of experience on my part with the org to latex workflow, or if the workflow really is harder than writing #tex directly.
Which workflow do you prefer?
#emacs #latex #orgmode #auctex #tex
Using #auctex in #emacs, I can use C-c C-e to insert an environment. If I choose "equation", the environment together with a label is inserted:
I know that I can define new environments using LaTeX-add-environments, and for example, after (LaTeX-add-environments '("definition")), this environment is offered in completion. But what else do I need in order for a label such as \label{def:1} to be inserted?
Indeed. Something like in last version of #python with an arrow pointing to the error would definitely help. I wish also there would at least be a mode in #emacs to color a latex log file, and help localize useful information. And #Auctex mode doesn't help for reading it. For now, I'm just searching the exclamation mark.
@hirnbloggade @bgcarlisle Not much academic writing here, but I usually write in Org-mode. I export to #LaTeX, and then finish work in #AUCTeX + #BibTeX + #RefTeX. I sometimes use ebib.el for bibliographies, but lately I've been using #kbibtex for that.
For focused writing, I love #darkroom mode (other people prefer #olivetti mode).
#olivetti #darkroom #kbibtex #RefTeX #bibtex #auctex #latex