For example, its audiobook division, #Audible, has a 90+% market-share, and it used that market-power to steal at least $100m from audiobook creators, in a scandal dubbed #Audiblegate:
For Europe's 800k sellers who rely on Amazon to reach their customers, the monoposony conditions are blatant and shameless.
@Firlefanz @mmasnick Audible will allow you to use them, through its ACX platform, which is where they did a $100m+ wage-theft from indies last year (#audiblegate); we document this in our last book, Chokepoint Capitalism; the only part of that we allow on Audible is the chapter documenting how Audible steals from independent creators (it's an "Audible Exclusive"):
Now Andrew Leigh asking @pluralistic about digital rights issues in publishing. Cory talking about how huge companies like Google become dominant by purchasing other companies to stifle competition: 'there're a buying things company that like to pretend they are Willy Wonka's chocolate factory'. Audible keep content locked in with proprietary formats, which means we find it hard to leave #AudibleGate. Cory refuses to sell on Audible and acknowledges it comes at a cost: 'no one becomes an author to make money' #truth (the only part of their book that's on audible is a chapter about how terrible audible is 😂)
Findaway Voices, Machine Learning, and the New Rights Frontier
Audiobook creation service Findaway Voices has become a popular alternative to Audible’s ACX, especially in the wake of #Audiblegate (the controversy over ACX’s author-penalizing returns policies that has generated at least one lawsuit). In t...
#audiblegate #writingcommunity #selfpublishing #writing
Self-publishing News: Amazon, Audio, and AI – was 2022 a Triple A Year for Indies? #alacarteaudiobooks #Spotifyaudiobooks #audiblegate #LatestNews #DALL-E2 #AIart
#alacarteaudiobooks #Spotifyaudiobooks #audiblegate #latestnews #Dall #aiart
Entertainment and tech companies all want to be the only game in town for their creative labor force, because that lets them turn the screws to those workers, moving value from labor to shareholders.
Amazon is *also* the poster-child for this dynamic. For example, its Audible audiobook monopoly means that audiobook creators *must* sell on Audible, even though the #AudibleGate scandal revealed that the company has stolen *hundreds of millions of dollars* from these creators.
Self-publishing News: Audible’s Change to Returns Policy Not Enough for Rights Holders #MicrosoftEdgeImageCreator #microsoftdesign #audiblegate #LatestNews #Audible #DALL-E
#MicrosoftEdgeImageCreator #microsoftdesign #audiblegate #latestnews #audible #book #Dall
Self-publishing News 2021: Subscription’s Breakthrough Year and a Time of New Technology #Self-PublishingNews #digitalnarration #publishingCOP26 #BooksGoSocial #AInarration #audiblegate #Findaway #Speechki #DeepZen #spotify #Beeple #NFT
#self #digitalnarration #publishingCOP26 #BooksGoSocial #AInarration #audiblegate #findaway #Speechki #DeepZen #spotify #Beeple #nft
Self-publishing News: How Much Does Amazon Really Make from its Sellers? #Self-PublishingNews #AmazonMarketplace #BrusselsBookFair #LondonBookFair #YoubooxSwitch #audiblegate #Youboox #Amazon
#self #amazonmarketplace #BrusselsBookFair #londonbookfair #YoubooxSwitch #audiblegate #Youboox #amazon
Self-publishing News: This Risk of All You Can East Audible Service #disabilityinpublishing #Self-PublishingNews #allyoucaneataudible #audiblesubscription #accessdenied #audiblegate #audiobooks #RNAawards #Audible
#disabilityinpublishing #self #allyoucaneataudible #audiblesubscription #accessdenied #audiblegate #audiobooks #RNAawards #audible
Audiblegate Fundraising #ALLICampaigns #audiblegate #audiobooks #litigation #Audible #Amazon #audio #legal
#allicampaigns #audiblegate #audiobooks #litigation #audible #amazon #audio #legal
Self-publishing News: Publishers File Lawsuit against Audible in Audiblegate latest #Self-PublishingNews #FrankfurtBuchmesse #FrankfurtBookFair #WritersDigest #audiblegate #OnlyFans #Audible #Patreon #Tumblr
#self #FrankfurtBuchmesse #FrankfurtBookFair #WritersDigest #audiblegate #onlyfans #audible #patreon #tumblr
Audiblegate Updates #1 #Audiblegatecampaign #ALLICampaigns #audiblegate #audiobooks #Amazon #audio #ACX
#Audiblegatecampaign #allicampaigns #audiblegate #audiobooks #amazon #audio #acx
Audiobook Publishing Alternatives to ACX: A Comparison #audiobookdistribution #audiobookproduction #Author'sRepublic #WatchdogReports #KoboWritingLife #FindawayVoices #ListenUpAudio #PublishDrive #audiblegate #audiobooks #Soundwise #Audible #Lantern #ACX
#audiobookdistribution #audiobookproduction #author #watchdogreports #kobowritinglife #FindawayVoices #ListenUpAudio #publishdrive #audiblegate #audiobooks #Soundwise #audible #lantern #acx
#Audiblegate: ALLi Campaign Update #audiobookmarket #self-publishing #ALLICampaigns #ALLiCampaigns #audiblegate #audiobooks #earnings #Audible
#audiblegate #audiobookmarket #self #allicampaigns #audiobooks #earnings #audible
Self-publishing News: Super Followers #twittersuperfollowers #Self-PublishingNews #ebooklending #audiblegate #audiobooks #metereduse #opverdrive #metreduse #substack #Patreon #spotify
#twittersuperfollowers #self #ebooklending #audiblegate #audiobooks #metereduse #opverdrive #metreduse #substack #patreon #spotify
Should You Sell Your Audiobook Rights? #Audiblegate #BookProduction&DistributionAdvice #audiobookrights #rightslicensing #sellingbooks #audiblegate #audiobooks #audiobook #bookdeal #business
#audiblegate #bookproduction #audiobookrights #rightslicensing #sellingbooks #audiobooks #audiobook #bookdeal #business
Findaway Voices Steps in for Indies in Wake of Audiblegate: Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Howard Lovy #self-publishingnews #FindawayVoices #Podcast&video #audiblegate #DanHolloway #HowardLovy #JeffBezos #Amazon
#self #FindawayVoices #podcast #audiblegate #danholloway #howardlovy #jeffbezos #amazon
The Truth Behind Audible Subscription Earnings ##audiblegate#audible#ACX#income#royalties#authors ##audiblegate