Anybody know of a () pure (not a ) - preferable free (lol I have no money!)

I was looking forward to , but they're abandoning macOS because they have no devs with a Mac to help them (quick read, didn't dig too deep.)
is super expensive and doesn't like some files I just tried in it.


#audioediting #ocenaudio #wavepad #tenacity #daw #audioeditor #AppleSilicon #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

GNU/ · @gnulinux
4864 followers · 3481 posts · Server

Tenacity 1.3 Beta ist da

Der Audacity-Fork Tenacity ist als Beta-Version 1.3 erschienen. Damit macht der Telemetrie-freie Audio-Editor einen grossen Schritt nach vorn.

#tenacity #audacity #audioeditor #musik #fork #linux

Last updated 2 years ago

Trent · @trent
35 followers · 25 posts · Server

Not long after the courier had dropped my parcel, I was into building that replacement for my old HP

Under the hood a current gen 13600K and 32GB DDR4 with 1TB of storage.

It was the first time that I could properly test drive which I had heard so many comments about (sarcastic btw).

I didn't believe the popular opinion entirely on Windows 11 as people always get grumpy about the new versions but boy was I in for a bit of fun!

The first ISO I downloaded failed to copy to a thumb drive 3 times in total, before I downloaded one via the official tool. First boot following install had no ethernet connection, so it wouldn't let me get anywhere and once relocated to a connection gave me no insight into why after completing some initial steps it went on screen for a bit, so there was some initial confusion rebooting before it finally got going.

Next, it decided to crack the sads and reboot while I was installing a few times, before I isolated some causes for concern (which included BIOS updates).

That wasn't the end for troubles mind you, while installing I was presented with issues accessing Visual C++ Redistributable msi installer files, which I discovered after trying to reinstall a few of those, could be potentially remedied by adjusting the virtual address space that 32 bit apps have access to via bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA.

Now that I've got an and some software installed, we seem to be running stable....but I can imagine that most users would be ready to chuck the computer out of the nearest window hours before I got the darn thing working.

Think I need a bit of now before I get a chance to do some more with the system!

#desktop #computer #intelcorei5 #memory #nvme #windows11 #glowing #blank #drivers #adobecloud #audioeditor #videoediting #sleep

Last updated 2 years ago

ARC du Canada · @arcducanada
31 followers · 48 posts · Server

Le célèbre logiciel d'édition sonore open source, gratuit et multiplateforme Audacity a été mis à jour il y a quelques jours, et ce, pour une seconde fois en très peu de temps.

Depuis la sortie d'Audacity 3.2 en septembre dernier, c'est la 2e fois en effet que des améliorations sont apportées et des bogues sont corrigés. (Texte en anglais)

#opensource #soundedition #audioeditor #productionaudio #editionsonore #audacity

Last updated 2 years ago

ARC du Canada · @arcducanada
31 followers · 48 posts · Server

Le célèbre logiciel d'édition sonore open source, gratuit et multiplateforme Audacity a été mis à jour il y a quelques jours, et ce, pour une seconde fois en très peu de temps.

Depuis la sortie d'Audacity 3.2 en septembre dernier, c'est la 2e fois en effet que des améliorations sont apportées et des bogues sont corrigés. (Texte en anglais)

#opensource #soundedition #audioeditor #productionaudio #editionsonore #audacity

Last updated 2 years ago

@davidwoje Oh, I learned almost 5 years ago and... still use it for my .

I have a TBI (traumatic brain injury) from 2010 and struggle to learn new things, so my personal pride at learning the one new program is big. I tried hard to learn Reaper because of pressure from a not-quite-friend, and then I realized that 5 years and 1M downloads is enough to stick with what I know.

#audacity #podcast #audioeditor #podcaster

Last updated 2 years ago

David Woje 🎙️ · @davidwoje
29 followers · 11 posts · Server

There are many ways (daws, Mac, pc, plugins, tablets, etc.) to edit a , what are some of yours? / what’s your preference?

#Podcast #audioeditor #podcasteditor #audioengineering

Last updated 2 years ago

anyone can help me with bit of GarageBand trouble got my inputs and outputs set to correct devices and other software can produce audio but the file with audio was editting yesterday. Playing over the same segments to day isn’t giving any Audio

#techhelp #audioediting #audioeditor #podcasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Geekland · @geekland
599 followers · 11920 posts · Server
Geekland · @geekland
606 followers · 11975 posts · Server
OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

Audacity 3.2 Released with Realtime Effects, VST3 Support

Podcasters, musicians, and amateur video makers like me will be pleased to know that a new version of open source audio editor Audacity is now available to download. Audacity 3.2 serves as the latest stable release of this capable digital audio workstation, which is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows alike. But what’s changed since last year’s Audacity 3.1 release? Let’s take a quick look. Audacity 3.2 Features The “headline” feature in Audacity 3.2 is support for realtime effects. This is a huge new feature that enables a whole new host of capabilities for this referred multi-track audio editor and :sys_more_orange:


#news #audacity #audioeditor #daw

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11267 followers · 97982 posts · Server
Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11267 followers · 97982 posts · Server

Audacity 3.2 Released with Real-Time and VST3 Effects, FFmpeg 5.0 and WavPack Support

#audioeditor #audacity #news #app

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin · @mado
160 followers · 828 posts · Server

Audiomass - open-source web based online audio editor

... for things like cutting, normalisation, ... with spectrum and frequency analyzers

#musicproduction #audioeditor #audiomass

Last updated 3 years ago

9to5Linux · @9to5linux
4516 followers · 2166 posts · Server

Audacity 3.0 Open-Source Audio Editor Introduces New Save File Format, More


#multi #audioeditor #Audacity

Last updated 4 years ago

9to5Linux · @9to5linux
4523 followers · 2166 posts · Server

#audioeditor #Audacity

Last updated 5 years ago

Linux ✅ · @Linux
3975 followers · 2826 posts · Server

Audacity 2.3.0 (open source audio editor) released.

Now featuring Punch & Roll recording, better save options; “Save Lossless Copy of Project”.

* Nyquist gains AUD-DO command

* Nyquist effects are now translatable and translated

* More dialogs have help buttons now

* Increased legibility of trackname display

* Half-wave option for collapsed tracks

* Sliding Stretch


#audacity #opensource #freesoftware #audioeditor #daw #punchandroll #linux

Last updated 7 years ago